
Monday, May 2, 2011

Just for the record....(Obama / Bush....Yadda Yadda Yadda)

Ya all know very well that it was during *my* president's administration that Satan's favorite little lap dog - Osama Bin Laden was effectively eliminated.

It was *not* during the administration of that babbling village idiot that you all elected, but it was during the administration of a president who will uphold me more than he will destroy me.  I can't say the same for the person that you threw at me (George W. Bush) - twice.

I am very well aware that the killing of Bin Laden is merely a minor speed bump in the reign of terror that Al Qaeda continues to inflict upon the Earth.  Bin Laden's empty sandals have most likely already been filled by the next-in-command in the Al Qaeda forces.  That notwithstanding, we will continue to celebrate this moral victory, and simultaneously looking over our shoulders.  It would be a foolish act to think "It's over - we can let our guard down." Au contraire!  Now would be as good of a time as any to beef up security and be on the look-out for more terrorist strikes.

Back to the subject at hand:  Ya all's election habits.

I find it almost funny (but not quite!) that not a single person ever admits to voting for George W. Bush.  Not one person.  I know from simple observation that we live in a democratic country that still, at least somewhat,  continues to hold regular election to elect our leaders.  More than half of this country did that (George W. Bush!) to us!  And you did that to us ***TWICE*** ! ! !  Once wasn't enough for you?  We had to go through it twice????

Are you people living in such a constricted existence in your tight little worlds that you would rather vote in somebody that you know has a record of jacking up this country beyond belief, rather than take a risk on the unknown (any other option you had other than George W. Bush)?

I managed to live over half of my life in a happy, apolitical existence.  To some degree, I was relatively content with the leaders of this country, at least inasmuch that I didn't bitch and moan about it.  The minute you-know-who stepped in, and jacked up this country beyond the wildest stretch of my imagination, I was forced to vote in the next election.  Did my vote make a difference?  Obviously not. That embarrassing idiot was handed the reigns of this country once again, and it was you people that did the handing over.  I mean - C'mon!  Did ya not learn your lesson the first time around?  How many times do you have to shoot yourself in the foot before you realize that it (George W. Bush) didn't work out the first time - and he's not going to make anybody but Laura (that poor, long suffering woman!) proud the second time, either.

Then...oh, then..... You have the nerve to bitch about the job Barack Obama is attempting to do.  I am here to tell you today that I would rather change all the baby's diapers on the damned planet than have to even being to clean up the mess that we found ourselves in with George W. Bush.  Yet you have nerve enough to bitch about the job the clean up crew is doing. He (Obama) did not get us in this mess, but he is attempting to get us out of it.  That, my friends, is a 180 degree turn from what George W. Bush was doing to us!

So - there you have it:
1) Enjoy your victory.  One tyrant is dead, but I guarantee you he isn't the last of the line, and he has already been replaced. Keep your eyes wide open while you are celebrating.

2)  I have one request:  Don't ever do that (George W. Bush) to us again!  If you are foolish and conservative enough to vote an embarrassing clown in the first time, please admit your mistake - at least to yourselves - and don't do that to us again!  If you do choose to do it again - and you know you will - don't be tasteless enough to bitch and moan about those who are left in the wake of your self-made disaster, and are making an honest attempt at cleaning up *your* mess.  If you don't like the clean up efforts, the answer is simple: Don't make the mess. Taking a gamble on the unknown is often better than the circumstances that you currently got yourselves into.

That's all I ask of you?  Is that really asking too much?  (Apparently so!)

(Jumping off my soapbox and continuing with my day.....  CARRY ON!)


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