
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What's it really worth?

I have attended many estate sales, flea markets, yard sales, and I frequent antique shops and malls.  I have seen *junk* organs, for example, that should not be offered for sale with price tags of $450 and higher.  Occasionally, I have had the sellers ask me, "You know about these things. What's it worth?"

If you try to educate the seller, let me forewarn you:

Your intentions are good, but my advice would be: don't waste your time.

When you see a price that delusional, you can't expect rational  thought to prevail. The asking price is probably based on one or more of the following:

1) "This guy" told me it was worth at least $2k.

2) He/she is desperate for money and is hoping to find a fool who'll  pay that price.

3) His/her grandfather paid that much for it in 1970, and they still  have the receipt.

4) "It has great sentimental value to me, and I won't take any less  for it."

5) "It's such a nice piece of furniture."

If you tell them the truth, they'll think you're either insulting  them or trying to lowball them.

I speak from experience.  Do yourself a favor, and save your breath. You will need it (your breath) someday, and if you remember this moment, you will be angry for expending such energy on a lost cause!

- Michael

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