
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Life Managers

Since I will never be wealthy enough - or stupid or trusting enough - to hire somebody else to completely run my life, the job falls on my shoulders.  When I say 'run my life', I am talking about each and every aspect of doing so:

(1) What time I get out of bed in the morning...
(2) What time I go to bed at night...
3) My selected occupation....
4) The home I live in....
5) The city I live in....
6) The friends (and family!) that I surround myself with....
7) My particular hobbies...
8) The food that I eat...and when I choose to eat it.
9) Whether I choose to exercise on a regular basis - or not.
10) The clothing and style(s) that I choose to wear....

and the list could go on for quite some length.

It is, indeed, my job to run my life.  I am, in essence, my own "Life Manager".

(It is an unfortunate fact, but those individuals that desperately need to read this blog, and take it to heart will be the same individuals to not do so.)

I will let you in on a secret, because you are my favorite reader!


That isn't an opinion, or a general rule.  It is a Life Law.

Opinions are just that - opinions.  They vary widely from person to person.  Rules can be broken.

Please consider the Law of Gravity.  If you think you can defeat the Law of Gravity without any type of assistive devise, then you need to be on medication, and if you are already on medication, your physician needs to increase your dose!  Absolutely no normal, rational person would go to the top of a 20 story building, and jump off the top thinking, "Maybe this is my lucky day, and for some unknown reason, the Law of Gravity will not be applied to my body that is plummeting towards the Earth!"  Somebody will be scraping your flattened body off the sidewalk with a squeegee!

A law is...a law!

Now that you are armed with the knowledge that YOU are the one in charge of YOU, how would you rate the job you are doing?  Would you fire yourself as the manager of your life, or would you tell yourself, "Hey!  You are doing a damned good job!  You need a raise!"  Please be honest with yourself, and try not to delude yourself into believing something that might be other than the truth.

Since you are the only one that can do this job, replacing yourself is not an option. You have no other option than to do a good job of managing your own life. From my own personal past, I can point out specific examples of individuals who have been piss-poor Life Managers, and the results of 'sleeping on the job'.  The alternative to being a good Life Manager is not an venture that you want to pursue:  It's not pretty, and it has grotesque effects on any individuals that are unfortunate to be in the vicinity of poor Life Managers.

Are you doing a good job of being your "Life Manager", or would you fire yourself? (If you're not, then what the hell are you waiting for?  Time is **not** on your side!)

- Michael

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