
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Of Dreams ... Teeth...and TINA!

Minimally, I have 3 - 5 dreams every night of my life.  Although the scenery in my dreams widely varies, the color of the rooms in my dreams is more often than not a deeper, matte tangerine orange, and the woodwork in those orange rooms is always shiny black lacquer.  I couldn't tell you why, but that is a small portion of what happens in my head every night.

 I know, those are very Halloween colors.  On the other hand, I have always wanted a set of dentures made that looked like Candy Corn, with the white tips of the corn pointing up into the gums, but the fangs should have the white tips pointing down.  I also want a set of teeth made that are clear acrylic, with tiny LED multi-colored Christmas lights -  one light in each tooth - flashing in them.  Another possible set of teeth would be a set that looks like sugared gum drops.

I have had full dentures since I was 30 yrs. old.  Dr. Thomas Farmer from Clayton, MO (6 miles from downtown St. Louis) is pleasantly surprised that I am willing to have fun with a subject that most people fight hard to hide. I told him, "Why not have fun with it?  You have given me a better smile than Mother Nature provided me, and I don't mind showing it!"  He said that he is willing to put in those 'special orders for me' - at $2,400 a set (only $200 more than normal dentures!).  He said "Since you are willing to have fun with it, I will definitely help you with your mission!", and he is willing to have them made for me.  I will work on a mock-up in Blender, and post it in a few days.

Why hide the results of good work?  Let's look at Tina Turner, for example. She says that she is 71 yrs. old.  I know MANY people local to St. Louis that knew her on a first-name basis (Anna Mae).  None of these people came into contact with the other, and they *all* say Tina is lying by 5 years - she's actually 76.  I love Tina. She is one my my "other mothers".  When she leaves this world, it is going to be a rough day for me - and anybody around me!  BUT...BUT... I have to ask, "Baby, why the Hell would you lie about something like that?"  I mean - C'mon!  If I looked better at the age of 76 than anyone has ever looked at the age of 30, I would have my age printed on the back of a T-shirt in big, bold numbers, and I would wear that shirt, wear it proudly - and wear it OUT (worn out!)

The only reason I can think of that she would want to lie about looking and moving so fantastic at any age, much less the age of 76 is the fact that she is afraid that she would lose her 'relevance' with the younger crowd.  I don't think I need to tell you, dear readers, that I 'have something' in an upcoming blog about that word - 'relevance'!  A spoiler: "It's not a good thing!"

- Michael

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