
Friday, October 6, 2023

My Musical Heritage - the Catalyst That Started It All

(Link to a video of one of my finer musical moments at the bottom of this post!)😁😁
Many folks are aware of the fact that I bought this self-same instrument (down to the serial number), from the Gospel church that my mother attended while pregnant with me. This very organ played the first musical notes (loud music was never played in our home!) that fell upon my developing fetal ear drums.

When one has both, physical and mental trauma/abuse in their life (I had several birth defects, and multiple surgeries since I was 2 weeks old!), they tend to have firm, concrete and clear memories at a very early age.

I can clearly remember events that happened to me (remember - I'm 55!), at the age off 11, 13 and 18 **months** of age!

I remember both, being held in the loving arms of the minister's wife who worked in the church nursery (the feeling was unusual for me - I'd never felt warm, human love in my life at that point..) AND, me pulling myself up on the side of the bassinet in that nursery - with a cast up to my hip on my right leg, and peering out of the large window in the nursery and into the church's sanctuary.

I had to 'bob and weave' to try to look through adults who were both standing and sitting, as the nursery was in the back of this church. 

Having no clue as to what that the genius (later PROVEN!) young man was doing to that 'magic box' in the front of the church, BUT, I knew that that was for me!

Whether they like it or not (and I can list names!), there are SEVERAL people who are still alive because of the musical heritage - a completely safe place - that this young man instilled into my soul. 

Every time I heard this Hammond C3 / Leslie 22R >> 122 rig - 3 to 4 nights per week for my first 11 years and under the very skilled hands of the young child prodigy and my life-long music mentor and friend, Chicago's own late Bishop Phil Willis, I was transported to a place where I couldn't be mentally and physically abused by my mother. 

The only thing that I hate with a vengeance when referring to my music taking me to Heaven is that I eventually have to return to Earth, which is both disappointing and much more painful in comparison to the escape that I'd just experienced.

Just for the record and necessary background:

My mother blamed an affair that my father had on her with her sister while she was pregnant with me on ME - and, I wasn't even there - yet! Additionally, if my mother wasn't robbing a woman that we considered a grandmother (she cared for my father after his mother passed at the age of 32 from tuberculosis) until SHE died, and my mother had to stay in her good graces for this poor woman to pay her bills, she would have gotten an abortion!  So, I survived both, a woman who would have aborted me, had it not been for influential people in her life whom she thought she had to impress, AND, I was literally an orphan before I was born.  Often, I got physically beaten until I could no longer stand on my feet by the mother from Hell who was simply jealous that I was unapologetically **ME!**, overall, a much better person for this world than she ever dreamed to be!

"Those that say, 'Don't air out your dirty laundry in public!' PROBABLY has a full hamper, themselves!"
- Auckland Chase ThΓ©oden, paraphrasing Dr. Phil McGraw

Back to the matter at hand:

Just to get away from Satan's Secretary, I often sat with my grandparents on the 2nd pew from the front, rather than on the 2nd pew from the back, where my 'genetic accident' (called by some, a 'family') sat.  Think about it. There were SEVERAL reasons for this!

During 'alter call', a part of most Gospel church services, since I couldn't walk until I was 6, and with a cast going up most of my right leg (I was born with a severely clubbed foot and both, Erb's Palsy and Gunstock Deformity in my right arm.. There are more physical and mental challenges in my life, but, at this rate, I'm starting to sound like a 'Pitiful Pearl Party of ONE!'πŸ˜‚), I crawled out from under my grandparent's loving, protective feet, up the righthand isle of this church a few feet, and then, I crawled up the 5 steps that led up to the pulpit/platform/stage of this church, since the Leslie 22R >> 122 that was attached to the Hammond C3 that my mentor and Savior was playing just 3 ft. from me sat at the top of these stairs.  I sat on the 4th step and leaned my head against the lower louvers of this Leslie, and I let Phil, then 15, rock me into a place where the evils that were just a few feet of me could never reach me.

It's of no wonder that, while my right ear STILL (at 55!!) hears 5,000 hz better than average human hearing, the hearing in my right ear is a bit less than in my left ear!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

I'm a 'super sensor', according to my Dr... Due to semi-ocular albinism, too much light hits my retinas, too - and much more! (My nose is powerful enough that I could probably compete with a bloodhound - NOT a trait that you ever want in your life!!πŸ˜πŸ˜€)

I could live 1,000 of my lives, and, my playing style STILL wouldn't be even in the same state - much less, the same ballpark!, as the skills of this fantastic man, Mr / Bishop Phil Willis (born and buried in Hannibal, MO, but he lived in Chicago his entire adult life), but that doesn't keep me from pressing forward!!

In fact, after his passing, I took a couple videos of my late, great mentor playing songs on a Hammond organ to the St. Louis Cardinal's past organist of 20 yrs and friend of mine (he was a professionally trained church organist when he wasn't playing for the Cardinals or moonlighting as an organ / piano salesman and music teacher at his beautiful aunt's music shop(s) here in the St. Louis area, just to see if he could tell me what my Phil's 'passing chords' - those used between key changes were... My friend handed me back my phone and he said to me,

"Auckland, I can't even tell you what damned, basic KEY signature he's playing in!" 😁😁

My reply:
"So, it really ME?  I though I was too stupid to catch on to his playing style!"

My friend, 
"Auckie, **NOBODY** plays like your late friend and mentor, Phil! It's not just you - you're in good company here!😁😁

Even if you put my Phil's videos into the website/app, "Chordify" that tells you every key change to virtually every video on YouTube, it gets MOST of his chords wrong, and you (now) rarely get a bad chord from this fine, useful tool.  This is because Phil never 'stayed' in the key change. He merely tapped it, and continued his wonderful, walking bass lines on those organ pedals, so, because he treated a simple key change the same as any passing, chord, his style MASSIVLY confuses this app and most of the chord changes that it puts out are wrong when it comes to his videos!

A video of me playing Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Freebird". Hey!  Ya gotta know that:

#1) I'm playing the self-same iconic organ that started it all!

#2) My late, great life and music mentor, Mr / Bishop Phil Willis's memorial pamphlet resides on the music stand of this, the same organ that he played from the ages of  9 - 16.

#3) I knew good and damned well that, during the first part of this song, the organist should NOT play anything other than basic chords - not even any inversions, thereof, and, he/her should keep their hands OFF that Leslie switch, leaving her in the "Slow" position until the jam session at the end.

#4) Did I tell you that there was a jam session in the end? 😁 Please stick around until 05:55 in the video!!

At the beginning of this video, by the 3:00 point, my soul had already long left the tarmac - AND, at 05:55 in this video, my soul leaves the (rocket!) launch pad!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

More later, and thanks for listening!

- Auckland Chase ThΓ©oden


Thursday, October 22, 2020

To Go Out With A Song??

I know most of you believe that I'm a fairly morbid person and when observed from the passing glance that is more effort than most non-involved people care to give these days.

One would believe that they were correct in that assumption, but said individuals could greatly benefit from learning that they couldn't be farther than the truth with just a little more observation. 

At any rate, I attended a concert by my imaginary mama, Ms. Tina Turner on the evening of June 3, 1997 at St. Louis, MO / Maryland Heights, MO. At *precisely* 01:42 in the following video, when Ms. Tina hit the top of the steps after the intro to the song and made her first appearance in the concert, a gentleman that appeared to be in his late 50's that stood about 4 people down the row from me hit the DIRT!  I mean with a thud!  I am here to tell you that this man must have been waiting years to see this magnificent woman - whom he had most likely seen several times as a youngster in the local St. Louis music decades ago as Tina was getting her start.

My Ex had a BAD habit of being a "rubbernecker".  No, it isn't "human nature" to stare at car accidents, someone who has fallen in a mall or for every head to turn when someone drops a jar of Ragu in the grocery store.  Those people are already embarrassed enough without the "help" of nosy people that need real hobbies to "assist" them.  Even though I'm a nurse, I have rarely happened upon an accident where I was the first responder.  I said "rarely" - not never.  It has happened before, and I have provided help until OTHER professionals arrived on the scene.

HOWEVER, my Ex had this nasty habit of absolutely STARING at an accident until we had driven completely out of sight.  I truly loathe those people.  They will make you a half an hour late getting to work - and you are on the OPPOSITE side of the interstate! At any rate, I told my Ex, "I sure hope one day you actually see what you're hoping to see!" Lo and behold, one day we were driving down a major thoroughfare here in St. Louis (Jefferson Ave) and there were ambulances, police cars and a fire engine.  He was rubbernecking, as usual. Then, he started screaming at the top of his lungs.  A very unfortunate man, most likely deceased, was STILL TRAPPED UNDER THE WHEEL of a car!

Let me assure you that the damned fool Ex REMAINED a damned fool in EVERY OTHER aspect of his life - but he NEVER rubbernecked another automobile accident after that educational day!

Let me cut you off at the past, my gentle and faithful readers:  No, it's not "human nature" to want to stare at such events.  A very famous TV psychologist that has literally kept me from killing people who deserve it wrote in a book that made him a multi-millionaire, all by itself, "Human nature is a poor excuse for bad behavior!"

SO - with that being said, let's move on:

We were standing 4 people down from this poor fella that was waiting for his lifelong idol, Ms. Tina, as I was, and when she FIRST cleared the steps in the posted video, he literally died on the spot.  I did NOT look at him a second time, but nothing is wrong with my ears.  I could hear the paramedics working on him for a full 15 minutes before they removed his body and they never got a pulse on him during that time.  As a medical professional, I'm fairly certain that he was dead before he hit the ground, bless his heart!  I firmly believe that it was on his bucket list to see Tina and THEN, he was ready to go to Heaven!  Although seeing my Mama wasn't the LAST thing I wanted to do, we each do have our lists!

Next up, Mr. Louis Vierne!

This is one tune, "The Carillon de Westminster", from the blind organist, Mr. Louis Vierne that will sound very familiar to people even most unacquainted with organ work.

(It could be subtitled, "How many 49 different ways can you work the familiar Westminster Chimes you hear on a Grandfather clock - with an organ's bass pedals!")

Please keep in mind that the organist's hands are going 100 MPH playing counterpoint, etc, in the background!

Here, we have one of the three titular organists at Notre-Dame, Paris (once she is resurrected again!), the young Mr. Oliver Latry, who assumed this prestigious position in 1985 at the age of 23, which is quite young for a position at one of the world's most famous organs. 

The late, great titular (blind) organist, Mr. Louis Vierne of the huge Grand Organ of Notre Dame, Paris,  had a very similar wish as the fella that just wanted one glimpse of Ms. Tina!

Mr. Vierne had mentioned several times to those close to him that he wanted to die on the bench of that huge pipe organ while playing one of his concerts. Louis Vierne's doctor had given him "stimulating pills" (most likely caffeine - he had a bad heart) to help him climb the stairs to the organ loft that day. 

One Summer afternoon, Mr, Vierne gave his 1,750th organ recital at Notre Dame. He completed the main concert, which members of the audience said showed him at his full powers ("as well as he has ever played"), playing his "Stele pour un enfant dΓ©funt" from his Triptyque, Op. 58. The closing section was to be two improvisations. He read the first theme in Braille, then selected the stops he would use for the improv. He suddenly pitched forward, and fell off the bench as his foot thumped the low "E" pedal of the organ. He lost consciousness as the single note echoed throughout the church. (Many people attending the concert that day thought he was just beginning his next piece!)

Mr. Louis Vierne had fulfilled his oft-stated lifelong dream — to die at the console of the great organ of Notre-Dame. Maurice DuruflΓ©, another major French organist (he also became one of Notre Dame's organists) and composer, was at his side at the time of his death.

I have ALWAYS said as a young child that I wanted to play like my childhood mentor, Mr. Phil Willis - just for an HOUR, and I was ready for God to take me to Heaven!  At FIRST, I wanted to play like Phil "for 'just one DAY'.  Then, I realized that I might have been getting greedy, and I changed my bucket list to, "I want to play like Phil just one HOUR, then I'm ready to go HOME!"

I've told Mark, my husband of almost 18 years that, in ALL SERIOUSNESS, if he EVER hears music coming from my 1959 Hammond C3 organ with its Leslie 122 speaker - the self-same rig (down to the serial number!!) in my music studio in our basement (the very same organ that I now own that Phil played in the church we were raised together in Hannibal, MO!), that he SERIOUSLY should dial 911, because I'm about to hit the floor, and I'm "Gettin' ready today, movin' out tomorrow!", as the ole Gospel song goes!!!

This is Mr. Philip R. Willis (1957 - 2013), playing the very first instrument of **ANY** kind that I ever heard in my entire life AND the same organ that now resides in my own music studio along with my 33 other keyboard instruments.  Yes, the Pastor of the Hannibal (Missouri) Pentecostal Church, the Rev. Michael Niffen, delivered this same organ to me on Jan 1, 2910, and the honeymoon is NOT over! 

If I start playing like THIS, get OUT of my way, for my SOUL is HEAVEN BOUND - I'm ready to leave this ole salty Earth!!!

The (MY!) 1959 Hammond C3 that Phil is playing above, sitting in my music studio... It is now against the right-hand wall of this room.

This is Phil's mother, Dorcas, playing the SAME organ, **YEARS** ago, as it sat in the FIRST church in Hannibal, right after they bought it.... in 1962!!!

And Phil playing Part 2 of the above video!!
(BTW - **NOBODY** asked this man to SING!  Can I just tell you that, from the time I was an INFANT until I was 11 yrs old, when his family moved to Chicago and my family moved from Hannibal, MO to Quincy, IL, this man just played the damned ORGAN - no SINGING!  And, can I also tell you that I'm glad he DIDN'T!  I know... I know - that sounds MEAN, doesn't it?  
HOWEVER - IF you listen to him playing when he is NOT singing and THEN, you listen to his playing when he IS singing, you will QUICKLY agree with me that his playing suffers when he is SINGING and PLAYING at the same time.

I **NEVER** loved you because you could SING.
I loved you to DEATH and beyond because you could play the DAMNED ORGAN better than ANY OTHER - now,

Monday, August 5, 2019

St. Louis Area Fall 2022 Events and Venues

St. Louis Area Fall 2022 Events and Venues

This list is only to serve as a guide and is just the venues and events that are my favorites. It b4y NO means a COMPLETE nor EXHAUSTIVE - it is a mere tiny drop in the bucket of activities that are available to see and do in the St. Louis Metro area in the Fall.

HOWEVER.... ALL but one of these events are free to attend.  Of course, you might want to spend a bit of money on food and drink, etc - but admission to every single one of these events, with the exception of the Historic Shaw Art Fair (the St. Louis Art Fair is free and always has been), is **FREE**.  The price of admission to the Historic Shaw Art Fair is $10 per person and is good for both days.

You are free to roam about the cabin!

St. Louis Art Fair / Taste of Clayton

If Belleville, IL's (Spring) art fair isn't voted #1 in the entire nation, then the THIS one, the St. Louis Art Fair has taken that title!  EITHER Belleville's "Art on the Square" or the "St. Louis Art Fair" has been voted #1 or #2 art fair (they trade off) for the past 20 years!

It is very difficult for the artists to get into this particular show - one of the most difficult to get into in the entire country.  I prefer to go on Friday nights, in general, to art shows. I love the music, the food (get the lobster bisque, and you must get the White Chocolate Raspberry Cheese cake from Hank's Cheesecake!), a drink in my hand, a gentle breeze - the art just POPS! in the lights of the booths (it's not the same during the day!), and I love the schmoozing atmosphere between the patrons, themselves, and the artists, many of whom I have grown to know over the past 25 years.

Downtown Clayton, MO
Friday: Sept. 9th from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Saturday: Sept. 10th from 11:00 am to 10:00 pm
Sunday: Sept. 11th from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Historic St. Charles (MO) Mosaic Art Show

Located in downtown Historic St. Charles, MO, you can browse the local shops - don't forget to tell the gent that owns Kilwin's Sweet Shop ("Mr. Clean!") that "Michael, the guy with the nice hats says Hello!" :D 

Friday, September 16 – 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday, September 17– 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
Sunday, September 18 - 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Historic St. Charles, MO

Edwardsville's Art-in-the-Park
Friday,Sept 23, 5 PM - 9 PM

Taste of St. Louis

Again - Try something you've never tried before!  That's what it's all about!
There will be Celebrity Chefs on stage all 3 days doing on stages and much, MUCH more!
Friday, September 23, 4pm - 10pm
Saturday, September 24, 11am - 10pm
Sunday, September 25, 11am - 6pm
Ballpark Village, Downtown St. Louis

St. Louis Renaissance Festival

Open Saturdays and Sundays, September 14th – October 14th, including Columbus Day.  Festival hours are rain or shine from 10am – 6pm.

Head'n Home Hats (AKA "American Hat Makers") have stopped attending the Festival of the Little Hills in St. Charles, MO in August each year (where I bought my 10 hats from their road person). That leaves the St. Louis area without even this 2 day source for their fine hats.
HOWEVER, I have noticed an increasing number of vendors over the past 2 - 3 years at this Festival have started carrying a FEW of Head'n Home's hats.  Granted, very few of them are on the upper end of the scale - the ones that I buy - but they DO have a few of the specific models that I own, so there is at least some hope that they will have a model that I am looking for.
Come to this festival - enjoy the food, the fancy, the shows - wear your best costume (God, I hate that word!), and enjoy a fantastic day!

Great Forest Park Hot Air Balloon Glow & Race

This is the oldest and largest FREE hot air balloon event in the United States.
Even though he hasn't flown in a couple years (maybe he will THIS year!!), the Energizer Bunny - based right here in Ole St. Louie!! - is the largest Hot Air Balloon in the world! He is SUPPOSED to lead the pack on race day. (His handlers tell me that it costs them $4,000 every time he is JUST inflated - not even flown!), SO - even on the Balloon Glow evening, the Friday night before the Saturday race, if the Energizer Bunny is present, it costs them 4 grand JUST to inflated him!

At any rate, on Saturday, arrive at noon (or a bit earlier!) to stake out a nice place in the shade - they are at a PREMIUM and they go quickly!! Then, you make a day of it.  You can come and go, visiting the side events and venues until the parachutists jump out of the planes about 3:30 PM.  There are always several food and drink booths (but you can bring your own!), live music on the stage(s), etc.  Most folk like to bring blankets and make a family outing of it.

Sept 16 (Glow) - 5:00 PM - 9:15 PM 
Sept 17, (Race) 12 PM - 4:45 PM
Forest Park, St. Louis, MO

Historic Shaw Art Show

There is one Spring and one Fall art fair that we attend - out of the 8 - that charges admission. This is the Fall show:  $10 at the gate, and it is good for both days.
Right across the street from the old entrance of the Missouri Botanical Gardens. This event is held at the same time as the Garden's "Best of Missouri Market".

St. Louis Grove Fest 2022

Saturday, October 1, 3PM - 11PM

(I won the beard contest the first year it was held.)
Grove Fest
, St. Louis’ independent, wildly eclectic annual street festival in the Grove will return for its 14th year this year.  This family-friendly event will feature a kids zone, street performers, live music, and amazing food and drinks from local Grove businesses. If you’re in the mood to shop there will be no shortage of crafts, fashion, and art for purchase from local artist and vendors. Want to be an artist for the day? Don’t forget to stop by and help paint the 14th annual paint-by-numbers outdoor wall mural, a Grove Fest tradition.

Maeystown Fall Festival (Oktoberfest)

October 9, 2022 (2nd Sunday in October)
9AM - 4 PM

Craft, antique and food fair in the village center along the Maeystown Creek.
Arts, Crafts and Antique Fair. Experience the sounds and smells of Autumn.
Second Sunday in October each year
Featuring arts, crafts, antiques and food from 9:00-4:00 p.m. at the area around the stone mill and bridge. More than 60 artisans, crafters, dealers, and numerous food stands will be featured. Arts and crafts will include rug weaving, felting, blacksmithing, photography, woodworking, and a country store. Food will include turtle soup, potato pancakes and popcorn cooked in old-fashioned kettles. Bratwurst, funnel cakes, apple butter, and pies will be some of the other choices available. The village specialty shops, bed & breakfast, restaurants and museum will be open throughout the day.

Kimmswick Applebutter Festival

Sat - Sun, October 29 - 30, 2022, 10am-5pm

The annual Kimmswick, Missouri Apple Butter Festival 2-day event (last weekend of Oct.) draws over 100,000 people.
This is the largest single event in Jefferson County, MO -  much larger than the annual Strawberry Festival that takes place in Kimmwick every June.  The Apple Butter Festival is FREE, but expect to pay at least $5, if not $10, for parking. Paid parking will be available off of Highway K with just a short walk into town. Shuttle parking is available too, so watch for the signs. Visitors may park at Windsor School campus and ride a free shuttle bus into the Festival. The busses will run throughout the day shuttling visitors to/from the parking area at the School.
While Apple Butter is still made, served and sold at this event and there are still a FEW booths that sell other food and handmade arts and crafts, the bulk of the **hundreds** of booths at this event has turned to selling mass-produced items such as holiday and country-themed decor, perfumes and soaps, home goods and services and other merchandise that they can order online and through magazines and sell at their booths.

1) Plan to arrive at least 45 minutes to an hour earlier than 10:00 AM, or you will be waiting in your car in a LONG line that often extends back to the interstate and stretches a mile to the parking areas.
2) Call as EARLY AS POSSIBLE for reservations to have lunch at The Blue Owl Restaurant (famous for their "Levee High Apple Pie" as featured on FoodNetwork).  If you don't have reservations, you might never get in, or, you'll be waiting FOREVER!!!

Festival of the Little Hills

Although I **HIGHLY** doubt that they are returning this year, this is the same festival that I have made acquaintances with the fine folks at Head'n Home Hats and I have bought all 10 of my hats directly from their road sales person (and the sister of the fella that owns the company and makes the hats) .  You will find a WIDE range of products from useful to useless, from food to clothing, merchandise, etc.

Friday, August 16   4pm – 10pm   (Shuttles 6pm – 11pm)
Saturday, August 17   9:30am – 10pm   (Shuttles 9am – 11pm)
Sunday, August 18   9:30am – 5pm   (Shuttles 9am – 6pm)
Historic St. Charles, MO

Salute to the Arts

 Held at scenic Moody Park under the big white tents, this event features 100 Award winning artists and eleven mediums. Enjoy tasty food, artist demos, free entertainment, children’s area and gallery and fun for all ages!
Fri, Aug 23 6 PM - 10 PM
Sat, Aug 24  10 AM - 8 PM
Sun, Aug 25  11 AM - 5 PM
Moody Park, Fairview Heights, IL 

International Festival of Nations

August 24 – 25, 2019
Saturday, August 24 (10am-7pm)
Sunday, August 25 (10am-6pm)

There is food and merchandise from over 40 + nations.

A tip to the adventuresome: Go to several booths and select items that you have NEVER SEEN BEFORE whose names you CANNOT pronounce. BUY AND ENJOY **THOSE**.
PLAN TO GET THERE **EARLY** to start browsing each and every one of the food booths from the 40+ participating nations to make your selections and to avoid long lines!  Take a tip from a pro!
Tower Grove Park, St. Louis, MO.

Webster Groves Piano Festival     

Saturday, August 24th, 2019 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Webster Groves Piano Festival will be held at Webster Groves Masonic Temple, 12 E. Lockwood Ave.  Bring a lawn chair to this free event and enjoy the music of  Carolbeth True and Two Times True, Jay Oliver and Bach to the Future. Food available for purchase.

105th Annual Greek Festival 

It's REALLY **All about the food!!**
There is a menu on the website.

Friday, Aug 30  (3:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m) (Limited menu).
Saturday, Aug 31  (11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.) 
Sunday, Sept 1 (11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.)
Monday, Sept 2 (11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.)
Daily Live Music, Church Tours, Greek Folk Dance Program, and Gift Shop

Queeny Park Art Fair (Fall 2022)

Friday, August 30th, 2019  5 PM-9 PM
Saturday, August 31st, 2019  10 AM -6 PM
​Sunday, September 1st,2019  11 AM -4 PM

$5 Admission

Up to130 juried artists from 20 or more states, the Art Fair at Queeny Park is one of the most reputable, longest-running art fairs in the bi-state region. Rain or shine, hot or cold weather, relax in the comfort of the climate-controlled Greensfelder Recreation Center. The Art Fair at Queeny Park presents a opportunity for the public to see and purchase original works of fine art and fine craft directly from the artists who create them.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 does a bod, a mind and a soul some good!

Did you know....

Have you ever saw small children and babies dancing around in front of a live band?

It is instinctual that a baby dance to music. They never have to see an adult doing it for themselves to dance to music. The music just naturally moves them. If music naturally and instinctively moves babies and small children, it can mentally and physically move you, too.

My psychiatrist insists that I wear my ear buds, and that I play MP3s or live, streaming radio from non-stop sources, such as that from (you can also get the app) when I'm doing my morning chores, which often on a daily basis brings huge panic attacks and floods of tears.

Every day that I follow his suggestion, I have a great morning. No panic attacks. No tears. I feel at peace.

Then, when I finish with my chores, I often go into my piano / keyboard practice for the day while the musical circuits are cookin' in my head. Music is like any other exercise, especially when you read music. I have pieces that I play to warm up. I play pieces that then challenge me more after I've warmed up, then I play fun pieces - the reason that I've learned to play music, in the first place, to "cool me down" - just like any fitness program.

The music that I choose to play, in all 3 phases of each part of my practice program are almost, but not always, popular music songs that I know, either current or from days gone by. Now and then, I do play pieces that I have no idea what they are, just to make myself read notes in an order that I've never seen them in. That's where the real practice and learning comes in.

I taught myself to read music above the age of 40. During that journey, I never did play "kids school primer" music, but as I say, "To each their own". If you decide to teach yourself how to read music, and you find that method best to teach yourself how to play, then, by all means, please follow that path. It's just that I wanted to play real music from the get-go. The first song that I learned how to read was "Maple Leaf Rag" by Scott Joplin. The second song that I learned to read was the stage version of "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen / Freddy Mercury. Granted, for the first few weeks, they sounded like bad, slow funeral drags, but I believe that playing slow with no mistakes is better than playing fast with a lot of mistakes. By playing slow with no mistake, you can always gain speed, and you'll know the correct notes perfect. If learn to play the song quickly, but with lots of mistakes, later on, it will be extremely difficult to retrain your brain to learn the song the correct way.

Go ahead! Get a GOOD QUALITY KEYBOARD (visit The Guitar Center - they have many good home-version keyboards), get yourself a nice, piano-weighted keyboard and jump into it. I've never met a person that did so that ever regretted it. You'll have to practice a half an hour a day - ever day (or at least 6 days a week.). Don't give me that "I don't have time to do that" crap. If you have time to sit down in the evening and watch reality TV shows, you have time to improve your brain (and VASTLY improve your memory!) instead of letting it turn to mush! Actually, I practice an hour or two 6 days a week. That would be a great goal for you to set for yourself, too. Granted, your schedule might find an hour or two of practice every day of the week 'a bit much', but there has to be a couple days per week that you can dedicate to that much time, and the rest of the days of any particular week, you can practice at least a half an hour to 45 minutes a day.

HAPPY PLAYING! Go a head - expand your memory and relax the bod!

- Michael

Friday, May 1, 2015

In The End, We're All The Same, But We're All Very Different

Until yesterday, I had never seen a "little person" as a child. I had only seen mature adults with dwarfism. Even though there are about 200 distinct types of dwarfism, there is one type that is far more common than the others, where the body is almost full, normal size, but the limbs are affected.

Yesterday, while strolling through the Botanical Gardens, I saw one of the many classroom / school bus tours walking through the Gardens. This group of youngsters was about 8 - 10 yrs old. I had stepped off into the grass to let the group pass me before stepping back up on the sidewalk to continue on about my way, but one young man - the "little person" young man - was walking in the grass along beside his classroom. He was looking down at the ground instead of looking up, watching where he was walking.
Just when he was about to bump in into me, I stepped up on the sidewalk to let him pass me.

(I was wearing full "Michael" garb, as you see in my profile pics.)
When this lil man saw me, he scrunched up his nose at me.
I turned my head in his direction, and I returned the favor: I scrunched up my nose at him!

Then, he did it again. By this time, he had completely stopped walking, and he stopped, turned around and was facing me. He looked at me and he scrunched his nose up at me again (with disapproval at my look). I did the same thing once again to him.

Suddenly, I could see a light click on inside his head and a huge smile spread across his face! I returned in kind, smiling back at him. Even though his classroom was some distance ahead, he ran up to me and gave me a high-five and said, "Thank you, Sir!". I told him, "You're welcome, my good man!" Then, he turned and ran his as fast as his lil feet could carry him to catch up with his class. I failed to mention that his teacher was standing beside me the entire time. As he ran away from me, she whispered to me, "I think Randall learned something new today! He learned that he couldn't judge somebody that was different from him when he is different from everybody else, too!"

- Michael

Saturday, April 25, 2015

"Old School Music"

My music never had a "school" - does yours?

Most of the singers and performers that I listen to have years of hard work and dedication behind them and you can hear the results in their work. You can hear a genuineness - the real sauce - in their performance and in their voice. There must first be a genuine before their is a counterfeit.

Bob Seger, Tina Turner, Stevie Nicks, Patti LaBelle and numerous other bands and individuals. These people are not "Who? Now! Next!" people that are those of today's music. They have staying power because they struggled for years to get to the top. They played in bars, casinos and other dives before making it big, and you can hear that life they lived in the rich sauce in their voices and in their performance. They weren't handed a ticket to the top. They worked hard for their position at the front of the pack, and that is the reason that they have the staying power that they do, and it is the reason that they are still there.

Go ahead and give the kids these days what they want, if you must. But don't ever forget the backbone - the richness and the royalty - of those that paved the way for the "Who? Now! Next" crowd of today. As I stated in the intro - My music doesn't have a "School" - does yours?

- Michael

Friday, March 13, 2015

Events and Venues for St. Louis 2015

This list by any standards is not a complete list of all the activities in the St. Louis area.  They are a list of activities that I / we attend.  You will find information for 30 - 40 activities listed here, with times, dates and other information for each venue.
I tried to get the website for each page to print in red so it would stand out, but many of them refused to turn red, and will appear only in a drab grey, so please be sure to look for those at the end of the description for each venue.

A couple events that we attend throughout the year have already passed.  I put them at the bottom of the list to start next year.  These are the events that I / we attend each year. Yep.  I go to each and every one of them.  99% of them are free.  Out of the 10 art shows, one charges $10 admission, another charges $7 and another charges $5 - the rest of the art shows are free.  There is also a small admission charge to the Blues Fest. All the other events are free admission.  Of course, if you want to purchase items such as art work, craft items, food, etc, you should bring along the appropriate cash credit / debit cards, etc

The Strange Folk Festival

September 26th (Saturday 10am-8pm)
September 27th (Sunday 10am-5pm)

200 individual, private arts and craft makers are taking over Union Station Mall in St. Louis, MO. They will work together to merchandise in shops (presented as hashtags) in nearly every empty retail space on the 1st and 2nd floors with local restaurants and more outside while local indie bands play from the 3rd floor above. I like to buy hand spun yarns, trinkets to go with my Steampunk look and so much more from this festival.

Whenever any event is close to a Metrolink depot, we park at a depot that is closest to our home and take the train to that depot We park at the Belleville (IL) Metrolink Station and take the Metro down to the Union Station's own metro depot, just a few steps from all the Strange Folk (I normal, talented folk, really!) Festival

Shaw Art Fair

 Saturday, October 3rd - 4th from 9am to 5pm
 (Right across the street from the Missouri Botanical Gardens, and held at the same time as huge and very popular the Best of Missouri Show and sale at the Gardens)

The Best of Missouri at The Botanical Gardens

 Saturday, October 3rd - 4th from 9am to 5pm
 (Held right across the street at the same time as the Historic Shaw Art Fair. I've bought art and jewelry from this show.)

Maeystown, Illinois Oktober Fest

This is the second large event held in Maeystown, IL, but there are several more festivals and activities held in this small German town throughout the year.

I enjoy the Oktoberfest the most.  LOTS of vendors selling anything and everything you can imagine, from antiques to items...hand made musical instruments, handmade jewelry,  and flea market-type finds.
This are of the market runs along the stream (and through some people's back yards!) that goes through the small town.
The "food court" is the entire length of the Main street.
"Featuring antiques, arts, crafts and food from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM"
Artisans... Crafters... Dealers
Rug weaving, felting, photography, Blacksmithing, woodworking and a county story

Edwardsville Art Fair

Oct 16 - 18, 2015

(I will post more info as the event approaches.)
Edwardsville Art Fair is a juried fine art show located at City Park in beautiful downtown Edwardsville, Illinois (unless the weather is bad – then the location will be enclosed – the Edwardsville High School gymnasiums).

Kimmswick Apple Butter Festival
Apple Butter Festival goers

October 24th & 25th 10am until 5pm
Where: The entire town of Kimmswick, MO

The entire city of Kimmswick is packed with vendors selling everything from food items to cell phone covers to anything and everything that you can legally sell to the American  public!
Annually, it draws an estimated 100,000 visitors.

The festival starts at 10am daily (however, people start arriving as early as 8am as the vendors are starting to set-up their booths.) and runs until 5pm. The town will be closed to vehicle traffic during these hours. Visitors may park at the Windsor School, located on Highway 61/67, and catch a bus into town. The buses will run throughout the day shuttling visitors to-and-from the parking area at Windsor School. Parking will also be available off of Highway K and is just a short walking distance into town. There will be no shuttles running on this route. The least crowded time during the festival is Sunday mornings.

The Kimmswick Historical Society will again be making and selling their famous Apple Butter at the Apple Butter Pavilion on Market Street.

100's of vendor booths will fill the city park and line the streets of Kimmswick selling a variety of crafts and food items. Live entertainment will also be provided by the city of Kimmswick and the Kimmswick Merchants.

The Apple Butter Festival is the largest event in Jefferson County drawing close to 100,000 visitors during the 2 day event. Be sure to come early and wear comfortable walking shoes. For more information contact the Kimmswick Visitor Center at 636-464-6464.

We Hope To See You There!

The 10th Annual Loop Ice Carnival

Image result for delmar loop ice carnival 2015

Held in January in the Delmar Loop district - exact dates and times will be updated as the event approaches.
This page is for 2015's page, but it'll give you a general idea of the venue and what it's about.  Shopping and eating along the Delmar Loop, looking at the fantastically detailed ice sculptures, etc.

St. Louis Pet Parade

This is info for 2015, but the webpage will remain the same for 2016
Sun, Jan 31, 2016
This page will be populated with information as the date approaches:

St. Louis Grand Mardi Gras Parade

Arguably the biggest street party in St. Louis and the 3rd largest Mardi Gras celebration in the world. This is just one corner...of one block.... of the entire Historic Soulard District.
Sat, Feb 6, 2016 11:00 AM

St. Louis Home and Garden Show

(It's HUGE! This is just one small section of this 400+_vendor show and sale))
It's in late Feb or early March - I'll post exact information closer to the date.
Green With Indy Craft Show

Green with Indie Craft Show
Just one day - March 14, 2015 10 AM - 5 PM
This craft event is much more than Popsicle jewelery boxes.
There are some affordable pieces at this fair as well as some high end, fine pieces.
(Complete with a couple food trucks!)
St. Louis' (first of two) St. Patrick's Day parades

46th Annual Parade
The St. Patrick's Day Parade takes place on March 14, 2015. It is one of the top parades in the country, and the largest and most attended event in downtown St. Louis.

St. Louis' (second of two) St. Patrick's Day Parade
dogtown_dancers4.JPG - Photo by David O'Brien

(It's not all about the parade, it's all about the street party that follows!)
In 2015, the parade is on Tuesday, March 17, at 12:30 p.m.
On and around Tamm Ave. - right across Highway 40 from the St. Louis Zoo.

BIRD SHOW and SALE - Collinsville, IL

March 21st, 2015 -
Collinsville, IL -(Southern IL Bird Fairs)
VFW Post #5691
1234 Vandalia Street
Collinsville, IL
Hours: 9 to 4, Adult Admission: $4

You can come to just browse and look, or you can come to buy!
Every pet bird imaginable, from small finches, including the beautiful Gouldian Macaws, Cockatoos, lovebirds,  several varieties of parrotlets, ,parakeets and, yes, dozens of baby African Grey parrots that were lovingly human raised.

Also sold a this show are toys for birds of all sizes (and some MAGNIFICENT and affordable cages!) many different food types, and anything and everything imaginable that has to do with a pet (or wild) bird
There is a spring and a fall show.

Birds at this show range from he most common to the most rare.

STLTODAY'S article:
A mile or less from our home and over 300 garage sale vendors in one place - Held in the parking lot at the Fairmont Race Track parking lot
Early Bird Admission is $10 and that is for all you bargain hunters who want an hour lead time to get at all the good stuff! Admission is $5 per person from 8a until things start winding down in the afternoon. Children 12 and under are FREE. If you don’t want to go in as an early bird you can be one of the first in line for regular admission.

Unless it is raining like Hell, he Early Bird Special is well worth the expense.  I always pay the early bird fee for this event and for the Gypsy Caravan on Memorial Day.
Art Fair at Queeny Park - Spring Show

2015 Queeny Art Fair
Friday, April 10 - Sun April 12, 2015
Every type of fine art imaginable, from sculpture, to fiber arts, painting, wood and metal work, pottery, etc.

American Indian (Mounds) Market Days - Cahokia

(even though these mounds are called "Cahokia" mounds, they are located in Collinsville, IL, not Cahokia, IL)

April 17 - 19, 2015
American Indians selling everything from artwork to WONDERFUL wearable and beautiful jewelry.
Some of the prices of the art are affordable - some are not so cheap - all are beautiful and worth the $$.  Admission is free.
You can also learn end explore the mysterious and HUGE Indian Mounds in this area (Several stories tall - and about 2 miles or less from our home.)

St. Louis Earth Day Festival

Since the inception of this event (and most events in this blog), I haven't missed a St. Louis Earth Day Festival.

Two stages with bands playing throughout the day...a large food court. Dozens of vendors, pedaling everything from food products to wool, art, jewelry, clothing, solar products, home and housing goods - anything and everything having to do with maintaining a good atmosphere for you and your children / grandchildren.

Join in this community tradition to learn about sustainable products and services offered by local businesses and organizations, meet area non-profits that share Earth Day values, catch local musical acts and performance art, participate in a number of hands-on educational activities, and enjoy diverse cuisine featuring local, organic, vegetarian, and vegan options. This year’s event will include special features, like yoga classes all day for both adults and children, a rock climbing wall, and a Metro Bus mural painting. The theme of the festival is a message of inclusion “Earth Day Every Day…for Everyone!” Event entry is free; the Earth Day Festival is a welcoming place where all are invited for celebration and learning.

Sunday, April 26, 2015
10 am – 6 pm
Muny Grounds, Forest Park
Free & open to the public | Family & dog friendly | Rain or shine!

Cinco De Mayo St. Louis on Cherokee St.People's Joy Parade
Saturday, May 2, 2015
11 AM - 9:00 PM

This Cinco de Mayo festival will feature a wide variety of live entertainment on three stages.

Shop the street vendors or the existing vendors in the Hispanic area.
Food, drink and merchandise vendors will be available.  Margaritas will be flowing!

The Cinco de Mayo celebration will also features a wide variety of of creatives offering handmade wares from St. Louis & beyond. The event also includes Lucha Libre Wrestling, a mechanical bull, and children's activities.

Maeystown, IL Fruehlingsfest / Springfest

Held the first Sunday in May each year (May 3, 2015), this fair features antiques from some of the finest dealers in the Midwest. In addition, local nurseries will be selling annuals, perennials and herbs.(Both the Spring and the Fall event at Maeystown are HUGE, with ample food and merchandise vendors)

Laumeir Art Fair

  May 8 - 10, 2015
Another one of my favorite art shows, located in Laumeir Sculpture Park, usually on Mother's Day weekend.  This art show is one of two (out of 10!) that we go to that charges admission.  $10 at the entrance, but it's well worth the price of admission.
Wine, food and great art.

Belleville Art Fair / Art on the Square

May 15 - 17, 2015
Friday 5 - 10 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Sunday 11a.m. - 5 p.m.
Every type of fine art...painting, prints, sculpture, metal and wood working, blown glass and much more.

Greek Festival - St. Louis County

Accompanied by genuine Greek bands and served by Greek parishioners of the Greek Orthodox church, really, it's ALL ABOUT the delicious Greek food! 
  Memorial Day Weekend
  May 22 - 25, 1015

24th Annual St. Louis African Arts Festival

This African Arts Festival includes an African marketplace, African arts and crafts, health village, safari teen village, jewelry, clothing, oils, African films, authentic foods, children’s activities, cultural demonstrations and more.

The food is good.  The Bazaar offers everything from fragrance to beautiful clothing and jewelry to African Black soap - which is the best body soap you can buy anywhere to great entertainment.  Admission is always free.

Saturday, May 23: 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m
Sunday. May 24:   11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Monday, May 25  10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Gypsy Caravan


Really - there are no Gypsies at this event. This is a flea market shopper’s paradise, on May 25, will be open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or shine and located at The Family Arena, 2002 Arena Parkway in St. Charles, Missouri.

You can get the top early bird tickets at a reduced rate at Dierbergs grocery stores for $27.50 (down from $30 a piece), and,  u
nless it is raining like Hell, the Early Bird Special is well worth the expense.
I have seen people wait over 3 hours to get into this event, and I have never waited more than 5 minutes!

The Peek and Purchase event will be Sunday, May 24, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. with an admission of $30, giving shoppers the very first chance to shop at vendor booths on Sunday and also includes early admission beginning at 7am on Monday.

Regular admission for Monday from 9am to 5pm. is $10. Early Bird admission for Monday from 7am to 9am will be $20.

To attend BOTH the Peek and Purchase as well as Monday’s event you may purchase discounted admission wristbands at your local Dierbergs Markets for $27.50. Additional discounted wrist bands are also available: Early Bird $17.50 wristband; General Admission $8.50 wristband. The wristband sales also get special, express entry at all gates. Children under the age of 13 are free.

Other info:
1) It has nothing to do with Gypsies.
2) It is the largest flea market of it's kind in the state of Missouri with 400 - 500 vendors, selling everything from food items, clothing, collectibles, yard ornaments, antiques, and anything and everything in between.
3) Bring a 'granny grocery cart', a little red wagon, etc, to haul your purchases

St. Louis Renaissance Faire

Located in Wentzville, MO.
Open weekends only, May 16 - June 14 and on Memorial Day, May 25
Rain or Shine
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS.... this has been there has been a vendor at this event that has sold a selection of "Headn' Home Hats" - the brand that I have bought and that I wear.
This is one of two venues (the other is the Festival of the Little Hills, held in August, with the vendor from the small company that makes these fine hats)

Air and Art - Webster Groves

Friday, June 5, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Saturday, June 6, 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Sunday, June 7, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
moms&kids copy.jpg

Air & Art is set on the oak-shaded grounds of Webster University/Eden Theological Seminary in the heart of historic Webster Groves, Missouri (63119), just 10 minutes west of downtown St. Louis. This is one of the many outdoor art fairs that we attend. I always have a good time, and I am inspired by the finely detailed art that these craftsman produce.

Follow this link, but I'm sure a more appropriate page will be published as the event approaches:


Saturday. June 6, 2015
Sunday, June 7, 2015
(Really - it's not a picnic, but it's more of a vendor's fair, and witches won't run out from behind trees to grab you!  I've bought several nice finds at this event over the years that we've attended.)
This year's theme is "Paths United"
Saturday's events are from 10:00 - 7:00
Sunday's events are from 10:00 - 5:00
St. Louis Gay Pride

June 27 - 28, 2015
Will most likely be held at Soldier's Memorial, downtown St. Louis.
This is a huge event, with a two hour parade, a main stage, vendors, and LOTS of good lookin' people!  :D

Festival of the Little Hills -
"Fete des Petites Cotes"

Located in St. Charles' historic district, you can shop the hundreds of vendors that come to the festival and visit the many shops in the historic district.This is the venue where I buy my Headn' Home Hats

August 21 through August 23, 2015
Friday 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Saturday 9:30 AM – 10:00 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Friday - 6:00pm-10:00pmSaturday - 10:00am-8:00pmSunday - 11:00am-5:00pm

(This is not metal - This guy's work is all ceramic that is made to look like metal machinery and parts.
This is the first outdoor art show of the fall season that we attend.
There ain't no "Ducky-Goosey" arts and crafts at these shows. These artists do are that is so awe inspiring - the it is often to to the point of tears.

In my opinion, Friday evenings are the beat times to go. It is a "Schmoozing" time.  The are absolutely glows under the lights in the booth.  A glass of wine.  A tasty snack from one of the vendors.  Some music from one of the band...and fine art.  That's my idea of a great, relaxing evening!


Saturday, August 29, 10am - 7pm
Sunday, August 30, 10am - 6pm

Join us in Tower Grove Park for the region’s premier multicultural celebration, featuring over 40 ethnic food booths, non-stop dance and music, arts and crafts, and an international bazaar with unique gifts from around the world. The 40 ethnic food booths represent 40 different countries, including Native American food, and the shopping bazaar is huge!

Admission is Free!

Tower Grove Park is located near Grand and Arsenal on the City’s South Side, only steps away from St. Louis' famed International District! A shuttle service will provide complimentary rides on designated routes during operating hours

Parking is available in the park and at lots and streets in surrounding neighborhoods.

Japanese Festival - Missouri Gardens

   Labor Day Weekend
(Sept 5, 6 & 7, 2015)

   This is a huge event with performances Sumo wrestling demonstrations, Raku pottery demos, "The Candy Man" shows, the Dragon Parade, and much more,  There are many vendors at this annual event. You can buy everything from a bonsai and bonsai accessories to your own kimono, Japanese candies and other foods, etc.

The Big Muddy Blues Festival

Big Muddy Blue Festival Image by Peter Wochniak
A Hammond B 3 organ and a concert Grand piano back to back. It's gonna be a good night!
If my memory is running on all cylinders, I think this is Dr. John on stage.

(More info as the event approaches)
All day music with big name acts each evening.

Labor Day Weekend!

Greek Festival - St. Louis City

Accompanied by genuine Greek bands and served by Greek parishioners of the Greek Orthodox church, really, it's ALL ABOUT the delicious Greek food! 
  Labor Day Weekend
(Sept. 5, 6 & 7)

  There is a vendor's market, but both Greek festivals are all about the FOOD!
We're foodies. We don't miss this event!


Join us as we celebrate the history of Hannibal, Missouri in true Steampunk Style!

Throughout the Victorian and Edwardian eras, Hannibal's magnificent contributions to the Industrial Revolution brought unbridled wealth and prosperity to the small river town, making Hannibal the epitome of The Gilded Age -- a term coined by none other than Hannibal's own Mark Twain.

The Big River Steampunk Festival features events, contests and performances that take place throughout historic downtown Hannibal. You'll immerse yourself in the Victorian era as you stroll along historic Main Street, explore our five nationally-recognized historic districts (Mark Twain's boyhood home is a certified National Landmark), and marvel at the architecture of the magnificent Victorian mansions along Millionaires' Row.

We hope you'll join us along the western shore of the mighty Mississippi River and step back in time at the Big River Steampunk Festival!

For much more info:

Shalafly Bottleworks Art Outside


Every imaginable type of artwork to view and offered for sale - prints, painting, photography, blown glass, pottery, woodworking and metal fabrication - and much more.
Sept 11th - 5PM - 10 PM
Sept 12th - 10 AM - 10 PM
Sept 13th - Noon - 4:00 PM

Schlafly Bottleworks
7260 Southwest Ave. (at Manchester) Maplewood, MO

The St Louis Art Fair - Clayton

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Often voted #1 or #2 art shoe in the country, my favorite time to go to this show is on Friday night, although it runs from Fri. evening to Sun. afternoon.
Sept 11 - 13, 2015
Sept 11 is an evening event, starting at 5:00 PM.  I enjoy going to an evening outdoor art fair as much or more than I do going to a daytime show because the colors in the art seems to "pop" under the lighting in the booths.

St. Charles Mosaics Art Show / Sale

Sept 18:  Friday 4 - 9 PM
Sept 19:  Saturday 11 AM  -  9 PM
Sept 20:  Sunday 11 AM  -  5 PM

A great outdoor art show in early fall when the temps aren't too hot - not too cool - just right!
Great fine and creative art from wonderful and talented artists.  You won't find any "ducky - goosey" crap in this show.
(IF you want that stuff, you'll have to stop by in the shops on the same street! he he)
This event is held in the Historic St. Charles district.  Shop while you're there!

The Great Forest Park Hot Air Balloon Race

(This is the night before the actual race. Every balloon you see here is 6 stories tall and every tiny dot you see is a human being! The only exception  is the Energizer Bunny.  He is the largest Hot Air Balloon in the world.  His ear is the same size as an average hot air balloon.)

Sept 18 - the Balloon Glow
Sept 19 - from Noon till 5:00 PM (with the Balloons lifting off about 4:30 pm)

The Taste of St. Louis

SEPTEMBER 18 - 20, 2015

With live music and DOZENS of food vendors, it is difficult to narrow your choices down to just a few few items.  By one - or buy several items from various vendors.  I haven't missed this event sine it's inception. It's a long story, but it's held in the Chesterfield Amphitheater.

Italian Fest
The Main Street Event

Collinsville, IL - just 8 minutes from the Gateway Arch

Sat, Sept. 18
Sun, Sept 19 

Since 1983, Collinsville IL has been celebrating the Italian culture and heritage that our city was built on. The Fest is a family friendly event and there really is something for everyone. We hope to see you at the Fest!

This festival has literall exploded over the last couple years.  There are sound stages, great food and much more.

If you have any questions - go ask somebody else - I've given you enough damned information, already!  :D
- Michael