Please keep in mind that the venues that I list are the ones that *I* attend on a regular basis. They are deemed to be the biggest / best in this area, but there are other choices. It would behoove you to take a peek at the world from my perspective. If you are adventuresome, and like to use your available time and energy to explore the world on your own terms, please
add my judgment to your own, rather than substituting mine for yours.
For whatever reason, the events listed on the following page are not in chronological order. They are all here, just not in an order that you would expect. You can change the results of your search by clicking on a different venue category under the "Browse Events" box in the top right hand corner of this page:
(Sing in the tune of.... )
These Are A Few of my Favorite..... EVENTS!
First, the Outdoor Art shows:
Please let me reassure you that you will not find any ducky-goosey wooden cut out objects to hand on a kitchen wall at these art fairs. Nor will you find candles in Mason jars, or quickly thrown-together silk flower arrangements. You *will* find some innovative yet timeless fine art that is produced by the individuals showing and selling it. The flawless techniques that are demonstrated by these artists range from age old techniques that have been learned by some of the artists in college classes. Many of them have Bachelors / Masters degrees in various art-related courses. On the other hand, many of them use techniques to produce their art that are invented and refined by themselves, and are truly unique to their own style. Another category consists of artists that use a combination of knowledge obtained in a formal setting and the wisdom gleamed from creating their own styles.
Most of these art fairs / shows have free admission. Two do not: The Laumeier Art Fair and the Shaw Art Fair. Both of those shows charge a nominal fee for admission.
Laumeier Art Fair
Friday, May 6: 6-10 PM
Open one-hour later for 2011!
Saturday, May 7: 10 AM - 8 PM
Sunday, May 8: 10 AM - 5 PM
12580 Rott Road
St. Louis, MO
(it is best to park across the street from the Sculpture Park, in the parking lots, and walk across the street. There is no parking allowed in the Park during this event, and you must 'park out and walk in' - but it is a short walk!)
$8.00 for adults
$5.00 for children ages 6-11
Members and children under 6 are free
The show's general website:
The list of artists for 2011, with a sample photo of each artist's work:
Art On The Square - Belleville, IL
(20 miles from downtown St. Louis to downtown Belleville)
Friday, May 13 - Sunday, May 15, 2011
Location: Downtown Belleville, IL
Zipcode: 62220
This show has quickly climbed the ratings of Art Shows and Fairs in the country:
2003 - debuts as #43 in nation (Sunshine Artist Magazine)
2004 - #25 in nation (Sunshine Artist Magazine)
2005 - Named Best Small Town Fine Art Show in the Nation (Art Fair Source Book)
2006 - #9 in nation (Sunshine Artist Magazine)
2007 - #5 in nation (Art Fair Source Book)
2008 - #1 in nation (Art Fair Source Book)
2009 - #2 in nation (Art Fair Source Book)
2010 - #1 in nation (Art Fair Source Book)
A link for the artist listing for this show. Click on each category to see the artists in that group:
St. Louis Art Fair and the Taste of Clayton
Friday, September 9
Saturday, September 10
Sunday, September 11
Location: Downtown Clayton, MO,
Zipcode: 63105
St. Louis Art Fair general website (I love the dresses featured on the front page of this site! They are definitely art dresses, and the materials they are constructed from are anything but fabric!)
Click on "Artists" for a listing.
Even though the other art fairs that I list on this site run a close second place, this show is probably my favorite. The temperature isn't too hot nor too cold, and the atmosphere is just right! I always attend this show on two days: Friday evening, when it opens, and usually one more weekend day. When I arrive on Fri. evening, I go to the food court and get an innovative, affordable dish ($3 - $7) that consists of something like grilled pizza, Lobster Bisque and a cocktail or a glass of wine. I savor my goodies while listening to a jazz band on the main stage. There are 3 stages throughout the fair, each with their own type of entertainment..
Shaw Art Fair
Saturday, Oct 1, 2011
Sunday, Oct 2, 2011
Admission: Usually $5 for this art fair, and if you choose to attend the Best of Missouri Market at the Missouri Botanical Gardens, located directly across the street from this art fair (and if you are not with me!), the admission for the Best of Missouri Market is $15.
This is the last outdoor art fair that I attend of the season. As previously stated, this event is held on the same dates and times as the Best of Missouri Market, located directly across the street at the Missouri Botanical Gardens.
This is a nice fall show.
Their general website:
Cultural Festivals
The International Institute's Festival of Nations
August 27 - 28, 2011
Tower Grove Park
St. Louis, MO (Just off South Grand St)
Their website:
There is no better place in the St. Louis area to experience many cultures in one place. There are demonstrations and entertainment, and a lot of food from many countries. If you have the urge to do so, you can have a single meal consisting of food from 5 (or more) different countries.
I am going to be forced to love it!
The Greek Fest
Labor Day Weekend - every year
In the parking lot(s) of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox church, across the street (Kingshighway) from Forest Park, and a block from Barnes Hospital.
The physical address:
4967 Forest Park Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
The Greek Fest website:
This Festival is **all about the food** ! ! !
There MIGHT be a small band set up in more than one large tent, but this festival isn't about the music, and it isn't about the free (optional) tour of the Greek Orthodox Church. This event is, indeed, all about the wonderful Greek food. Between 2 people, we buy several items for each of us, and spend probably $50 for a couple large bags of food - enough for a total of 4 meals, with the addition of a separate box of Greek pastries per person. I also have an ouzo and a Greek beer while I am there.
The Japanese Festival
Labor Day Weekend - every year.
The Missouri Botanical Gardens.
This Japanese Festival is the largest Japanese celebration in the United States, held in the largest and oldest Botanical Garden in the United States - and a lot of the festivities are held in the Largest Japanese Garden in the United States!
You can be entertained by the real Sumo wrestlers, take in a huge Bonsai show (some plants available for purchase), shop a large outdoor vendor's market, or eat lunch from the growing Japanese food court. We can't forget the Sake! Gotta have some Sake!
In Summary:
There you have it, folks. I gave you the tools you need to squeeze a bit more out of your lives. It is up to you to see the need to do so - then do it!
These are by no means all of the shows or festivals in the St. Louis area. They are the largest, however - with the exception of Rib America.....Fair St. Louis (4th of July), and the list continues.....
- Michael