
Thursday, December 20, 2012

It's all the same, isn't it?


Today during my physical therapy, I was in 'curtained room #1', and while my therapist was doing some manual techniques to decrease the effects of Erb's Palsy in my right arm, we overheard an interesting conversation:

The furry little physical therapist that does the 'dry needling' (related to acupuncture) is a Queens English speaking,  Kippah (yarmulke)-wearing Orthodox Jewish man.  This fella was in the next curtained-off area, 'dry needling' a patient.

Made obvious by their conversation, this patient had previous inside information pertaining to the Jewish therapist's private life.  The patient asks, "Can I ask you a personal question?"  The therapist answers, "You sure can!"  The patient continues with, "Are you going to get Eric (the therapist's 3 yr old son) a CHRISTMAS present?"

Without making a sound, I looked into my therpist's face, and simultaneously  we rolled our eyes in disbelief.

The Jewish therapist patiently but firmly answers the patient, "No, but Eric did get lots of Hanukkah presents!"

The patient replies... "Oh...uh.... Yeah."

Does the patient think the Orthodox Jewish therapist is wearing that small cap on his head to prevent sunburn (in the middle of a snowy, winter day) on his bald spot?  GEEZ!

Some folk honestly don't bother to learn (or to care about!) the customs of those in the world around them.  Hanukkah is NOT "a Jewish Christmas".  There is no such thing.  Jewish people do no believe in the New Testament *at all*, therefore, they do not acknowledge the birth or death of Christ.

Those people that believe their own religion is the "end all - be all" to all religions on the planet are the very definition of "ethnocentric".

- Michael 

A Little Outro Music.....

I present the facts before I 'let the music play' (The music follows below...I promise!)

I know that as least some portion of the world believes that today, December 20, 2012, is our last full 24 hour period together on planet Earth (in a cohesive form.)

(Over the course of history, there has been *many* predictions made as to the precise end of our existence, and as of this writing, I can attest that they have all been false, and they are pumped-up by attention-seeking alarmists that should perhaps seek more useful ways to use their most valuable non-renewable resource: Time.

Most of the percentage of believers in this latest Mayan Doomsday prediction is in the United States, and not in Mexico (more specifically, the mountainous regions of the Sierra Madre to the semi-arid plains of northern Yucatán.)



As Kenny Rogers sings, "You've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away - know when to RUN!"

Therein lies all the difference: Knowing who you should believe, and who should be ignored.


For those of you that remain persistent that we are all going to perish, these are just a few of the songs that I would select for you to listen to during your big "Outro":
(In no particular order:)

Great Gig In The Sky - Pink Floyd

This song has been billed as the greatest non-lyrical vocal in all of music history - period. (not a play on words!)

The following paragraph is the only true verbal lyric in the entire song. Nobody - and I mean nobody - but Clare Torry can do this song justice.  Her gut-wrench, heart-breaking vocal has stood the test of time:

"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I
Don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?
There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."
"I never said I was frightened of dying."

(If I ever need a good cry, Clare Torry is always willing to give me a good boost!)

Let's lighten the mood a bit.  At 1:13, this 747 leaves the tarmac.  You MUST watch the synchronized video!  Of all people to give me inspiration, I never thought Jerry Springer's rock opera would provide any inspirational fodder.

(Caution: Even though the message in this song is FANTASTIC, Do NOT play this song in the vicinity of small children, or while you are in a cubicle in a quiet office!)

If you don't have "Boogie in your butt" by the time you get half-way through this song, then perhaps you should have your butt checked at the nearest Urgent Care clinic:

(Jerry Springer's Opera)

(If I ever need a good cry, Clare Torry is always willing to give me a good boost!)

Let's lighten the mood a bit.  At 1:13, this 747 leaves the tarmac.  You MUST watch the synchronized video!  Of all people to give me inspiration, I never thought Jerry Springer's rock opera would provide any inspirational fodder.

(Caution: Even though the message in this song is FANTASTIC, Do NOT play this song in the vicinity of small children, or while you are in a cubicle in a quiet office!)

If you don't have "Boogie in your butt" by the time you get half-way through this song, then perhaps you should have your butt checked at the nearest Urgent Care clinic:

Fanfare For The Common Man / Marsden's Lament mash-up
Changing gears again, this is a 'mash-up' of "Fanfare for Common Man (played by Keith Emerson on a $50,000 Yamaha synthesizer!) and the theme to Warehouse 13, "Marsden's Lament" - which I have recently learned to play on the piano...

The photography is my own.....

Last on this list, but by no means the ENTIRE list,A good-ole Classic Rock standard:The Doobie Brothers: Listen To The Music

(Listen to the lyrics, and feel the music....they tell the entire story....)

Honest Injun, if I'm 'lyin', I'm dyin' - send my soul to Hell:

If there is anybody out there that gives a crap, can you please see to it - honestly - that every one of these songs are played at my Memorial Service?  (Throw in a Tony Monaco jazz organ tune, too!)

(BTW.... I'll see ya'll on Saturday, Dec 22, 2012!)

- Michael

Monday, December 17, 2012

Mayans and Survivalists

(Notice there is no 'rest of the week'...)  he he 

About waking up on the 22nd:

I one short word, I will look at the "Mayan believers" and say, "Idiot!" and then walk a way.

The explanation:

Because I *KNOW* that all the people on my FB Friends List are intelligent, diligent people and that they are willing to expend the energy required to do their own homework, rather than live lazy lives by cheating off their dumb neighbor's paper in the classroom of life, I can rest assured that none of them will believe the "Mayan" crap that is bobbing down the current mainstream like a turd floating along in a sewage ditch.

Because my informed friends used their most non-renewable resource (time!) more wisely than wasting braincells playing Angry Birds (or watching and believing everything they see on *ALL* reality TV shows (American Idol, X-Factor, Big Brother, Survivor, just to name a few), I know that these friends would have completed their homework early by learning that the Mayans calendar and the modern Gregorian Calendar (the one you use today) were very different, indeed. One major consideration would be Leap Year. The Mayans did not know, nor did they care about Leap Year. If you account for an extra day every 4 years, by the Mayan's calendar, the world should have 'ended' in August, 2011.

I am typing this blog on Dec. 17, 2012, and just with a mere glance out my office window, I can see a wintry, dreary - but nonetheless, still present! - world out there.

A note to the "Survivalists" out there. (I can't believe we actually have a name for them now!):

"The Sandy Hook shooter lived with his mother at her house in Sandy Hook, 5 miles from the elementary school. She was a gun enthusiast who, according to an acquaintance, often took her two sons to a local shooting range. According to her former sister-in-law, Marsha Lanza, Nancy stayed home to take care of Adam. Marsha Lanza also recalled that Nancy was a "survivalist", and had turned her home into "a fortress" in which she was stockpiling guns and food to prepare for what she believed was an apocalyptic event associated with impending economic collapse."

OK. OK. In my humble opinion, if a person (the shooter's mother) is goon enough to have an 'armed fortress' around a mentally ill person, AND train him how to shoot people, then she, indeed, earned the shot in the face that she received. (Contrary to popular belief, the shooter's mother was NOT a teacher at this school, nor did she have any connection to the school.)

As for shooting small, innocent, defenseless children and several other people who were trying to educate this country's youth:

I honestly hope this shooter AND his mother has to answer for each and every soul that was taken on Dec. 14. If I had a choice in the matter, their 'holding cell' until that final court day would be an extra hot place in Hell, with an occasional pop or crackle coming from the hot embers.

It is perfectly acceptable to hope and pray that Evil burns in Hell:

As a GREAT example, Dr. William Petit Jr and his murdered family (Google it - they're from Connecticut, too!)  This man's family was murdered, and he was left for dead during a hideous robbery.  When Oprah asked him if he was willing to forgive the men that did this crime to his family, Dr. Petit answered her:

"Since it is inherent in the human constitution to hate evil, any forgiveness for these people is "inappropriate."  Oprah said one thing in response to this answer to her question, "That is a very good answer!"

As ironic as it seems, the "survivalists" - whose intention was to preserve life - are now doing the killing.

- Michael

Sunday, December 16, 2012

What is the cut-of age for a Tooth Fairy visit?

Where is my Habba Syndrome when I need it?

Last night, I made myself suddenly aware that at some unknown time during the day, I lost a tooth in my top denture ... again. (This particular smile is 8 yrs overdue to be replaced, so I can't blame the teeth or the workmanship.  They're just old - but fantastically beautiful.  Another set is $2,200 out of my pocket AND the bite will be different.  I want THIS smile, not a high priced smile that does nothing for me - if you know what I mean.

Those of you that have experienced this deal will know that if you ever loose a tooth in a denture while you are eating, the next bite will feel and sound like you bit down on a rock.  It is unmistakable.  For whatever reason, I didn't get that important clue, and I honestly think I inadvertently swallowed the tooth! I do have a spare set of teeth, and I will be wearing those tomorrow when I go do the familiar routine to get these fixed.  The color and fit of my spare set is great. I couldn't ask for better. BUT...they are small, 'dentury', and they give me an unappreciated under-bite.  I absolutely love the big, Chicklet smile that my daily-wear set gives me.

If you know what Habba Syndrome is, you will understand why this is the only time in my entire life that it would come in handy.

I get to make an impromptu, unscheduled visit to my dentist's office tomorrow.  I won't even touch the dentist's chair.  They will put my plate in a box, charge me $80, and I will take the box and drive myself to the dental lab, so I can get them returned to me the same day.

Habba me now!  he he

- Michael