
Thursday, March 24, 2011

My love affair with 'The Indian' continues.....

It is no secret to those who know me well that I embrace any and all cuisines and cultures on this planet.  Not only do they help me to see the beauty in this world (which helps me to be able to stomach those who are good representatives of their own culture(s) better!), but they keep my mind, my body, and all 5 of my senses malleable.  The uninitiated will never understand how *NOT* doing so will cripple them, and those unfortunate enough to be around them.  From first-hand experience, I can tell you that this will not 'probable', but it is most definite. I can cite examples, if necessary.

One of my favorite quotes available in the English language is an excerpt taken from Mark Twain's book, "Innocence Abroad":

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.
- Innocents Abroad

Read that quote through a couple times, and let it sit a while.  Another way of saying it is, "If you believe that living and staying in any tiny corner of the world, without ever investigating as much of the world around you can tend to make you prejudice, bigoted and narrow minded. Like it or lump it, it is a true statement that cannot be avoided.

Before I begin, I am am exceptional proof that a semi-vegetarian, and a lover of generally vegetarian Indian food can be a fat person, too!  That notwithstanding.....

I keep several Indian spices (and ironically enough, curry powder is not one of them) around the house, and cook with them almost every day.  "Masala" simply means 'spice', and there are hundreds of different pre-mixed masalas available at Global Market in Kirkwood, and Jay's International on South Grand.  These are the 2 largest International food markets in the St. Louis area, althought here are many others that are well worth the visit.  Global Market (not World Market!) has an isle for each cuisine: true Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, English (from England!), German, Polish, and many, many more.  There is one tiny section of one isle that will remind you of your typical American grocery market.  The taste, sight and aroma sensations in this store are unbelievable, and I crave them on a regular basis, even if it means just walking through the store, window shopping and soaking up the atmosphere, which I try to do on a regular basis.

Global Foods Market:

 I add a bit of Garam Masala, Cumin, red pepper and Masala ("For Chicken", in the light yellow box) to steamed zucchini mixed with steamed brussel sprouts, and maybe a few ounces of grilled chicken, salmon, or other protein, and I call it lunch.  I liked those things even as a fat boy, so I didn't have to change anything.  When  mix one medium sized zucchini, a couple handfuls of brussel sprouts, and maybe the protein, all together, it is maybe 160 calories.  That usually makes enough for 2 lunches, if I want to split it!

Indian food is largely vegetarian, which is a 'better' choice.  You still have to watch the fried foods, and a few other things, but when it comes out in the wash, eating at an Indian restaurant is much better choice than most other options.  The only draw back is that Indian food is PACKED with flavor.  After you become to the wonderful flavor explosion of Indian food,  if you *ever* venture back into an Old Country Buffet or Sheri's Cafeteria, everything there will taste extremely flat and monotone.

I am friends with Prathibah Vasudevan and Shanta, two Indian / Hindu ladies that often go to the local St. Louis flower market.  They have invited Mark and I to the Hindu Temple's open house this weekend.  They are also serving brunch!  If I don't make a pig of myself, I can enjoy a decent meal, and not venture outside my daily calorie limit.... The bonus: The Hindu Temple on Weidman Road in Ballwin looks like somebody plucked it right out of the center of India, and plopped it in the middle of Ballwin! The exquisite details are breath taking. 

If I wear my facial hair in the "Raj Put" style, as I most often do when I go out of the house, I will get exceptional treatment (just ask Mark!), because I resemble a reverend warrior in Hindu and Indian history!  I love that!  Being treated exceptionally well for something that is naturally a part of myself!  :)

The Raj Put facial hair style:

For some visually stimulating Indian / Hindu photography, flip through some of their picture galleries on the main page.  (Click on "Goto site" to get past the council meeting message):

Some excellent pictures:

- Michael