(I have had many people ask me if I am wearing theatrical contacts.)
They're asking me if my eye color is real!
My eye color is the ONLY thing left about my face that is still real. My beard color is from a box, my teeth have been 100% fake since I was 29, I have huge man-made holes in my ears and in my nose, and I wear thick black eye liner. BUT.... my eye color in the pics that have posted is 100% real.
I do have to say that I absolutely love the entire Wild Eyes (and other brands) of theatrical contacts, and I have worn them in the past, and I will wear them in the future.
On another twisted angle, it is both sad and delightful that people don't know the difference between 'fake' and 'real'.
While my judgment is strongly dependent on the individual subject at hand, in theatre / stage / screen, the blur between real and fake adds to the illusion - the theatrical experience. GOOD drag queens also rely on the same illusion.
On the other hand, those of you that know me WELL know that I have a house full of large keyboard instruments (Hammond organs, both digital and acoustic pianos, and much more.)
A friend and her 10 yr. old son visited our house since I bought the Kawai acoustic piano. The 10 yr. old approached the real - acoustic piano, and asked me, "Michael - how do you turn THIS ONE on ???"
I gently explained to him that you don't need to 'turn on' an acoustic piano.
In his defense, 8 of my 29 keyboard instruments are acoustic, leaving 21 that DOES need to be 'turned on'. But...the poor kid didn't know the difference between 'real' and 'fake'