
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"Michael, you MIGHT want to Come here to me! This is Conrad. I'm just a bird!"

"Michael, you MIGHT want to Come here to me!  This is Conrad.  I'm just a bird!"

Every morning of my long-suffering life, Conrad, my 18 yr. old African Grey parrot yells:

"Michael, Come here to me!" repeatedly and until I feed him, and preferably and specifically, when I feed him scrambled eggs.

This morning, I gave Conrad fresh fruits, including strawberries, blueberries, banana and cereal.  He looked at it with the most disgusted look that a parrot can muster, and wouldn't touch his breakfast.

The minute I walked out of the living room, I heard food hitting the floor.... the LIVING ROOM floor, not the floor of his cage. He was hurling the offending food out of his cage and onto the floor.

I immediately went back to his cage, picked up the food off the living room floor, and put it on a saucer on the floor of his cage. (Once the food is THAT low, he won't throw it out of his cage.)

He looked at Denver, our 6 yr. old Black Lab / Sher Pei, who was minding his own business and happily eating his breakfast, and said,
"Denver, you're just a whore!  

Conrad does change his begging routine up a bit.

This morning, I heard  "Michael, you MIGHT want to Come here to me!  This is Conrad.  I'm just a bird!" until I got our 3 dogs fed (2 require specially prepared food with medication), and got more of my pressing morning routine out of way before turning my attention to him.

I can bear witness to the fact that Conrad is about two steps from being cut back to a specially prepared food that I make him until he gets over his latest "I will eat ONLY scrambled eggs and peanuts"  fit.

I know there are day care centers for children....  There are day care centers for handicapped folk, and there are day care centers for the elderly.  I know that in St. Louis, I can board his bird ass while on vacation, if necessary, but why isn't there a bird day care?

Occasionally, I would like a break from this feathered Napoleon!
(Conrad's last name really is Bonaparte - and for good reason!  :)

- Michael 

Monday, March 4, 2013

"I need the beans! Pass me the Musical Beans!"

When one goes shopping for perfume or cologne, and the shopper has sampled 'one too many fragrances", to reset the snoot,  s/he sniffs coffee beans before continuing to sample more fragrance options. 

For several years, I have used Patsy Cline's "Walkin' After Midnight" as my "musical beans".
As is common for most musicians who have memorized sheet music, or has played a song by ear many, MANY times, we memorize 'chunks' of music, rather than specific and individual notes.

If you stop a musician in the middle of such a 'chunk', and ask him the question "What notes are you playing?", or "What chord is that?", there is a really good chance that he won't be able to give you a correct answer without first involving an overload of thought and concentration, and most likely, he will have to go back and play through that section of the music a few times while watching his hands before he can give you a correct answer.  

With the "chunking" process in mind, if I play, say, a Scott Joplin rag that I have had mostly memorized for several years, and I trip over a section, I'll go back and play it again.  There is a really good chance that during the second - or third - or fourth! pass, I'll trip in the same spot.  I will fumble the exact same spot in the music.
You must understand:

The day before I have this 'tripping session', I most likely played through the 'sticky spot' in the same music without incident.   The FOLLOWING day, I will most likely play the same piece - without additional effort.

The explanation is relatively simple, in the fact that the 'bridge' in this particular spot in my memory needs a bit of repair and maintenance. 

Having never had music lessons, I had to find a solution for this problem:

I will often yell out to Mark while I am practicing piano, "I need the beans! Pass me the Musical Beans!", then 
I will play a totally unrelated song - usually a couple minutes of "Walkin' After Midnight" in a juiced-up, improvisational boogie version that I devised myself... THEN.... I will go back to the particular section of the current Scott Joplin (or other) song that is giving me problems.  

With a near 100 % success rate, after I have 'sniffed my musical beans!', I will breeze right through the troublesome section of the current song that I am working on.    If I'm still having problems - which is rare, at this point - I will 'take another whiff of the musical beans', which usually solves the problem.Kinda like this.... (This me me playing my most common 'Musical Beans'...with very short facial hair!):

Thank you, Patsy Cline, Alan Block and Donn Hecht (the writers!) for my "musical beans!"

- Michael