I quit smoking over a year ago, and even then, I smoked a pack every 3 - 4 days, which isn't much by the average smoker's standards. Incidentally, Mark quit at the same time I did, and he was a 2 pack a day smoker. I have cravings every day, and he hasn't had a craving for a cigarette since after the first week that we quit! I want to scream, "What is this, God? Sarcasm?" But I digress, and I will continue....
I was having a cigarette one day while bicycling through Forest Park. This snooty looking lady stopped beside me on the trail while we were both waiting for a stop light to change to give us the right-of-way.
The lady decided to mind MY own business, and she made the mistake of saying to me in a crass tone, "You're smoking AND bicycling. I just don't get it!" I looked at her and said, "Look, nosy bitch! Just judging your general look AND that nasty outfit you have on, there is probably a lot of things you don't get, if you know what I mean, but you not getting any is as much of my business is as me smoking while bicycling is your business!"
She huffed...she stammered.... and she jogged through the red light, just to get away from me!
- Michael