
Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Burger King / Horse Meat Ordeal

Burger King

The 'horse meat' thing notwithstanding (and BTW, horse meat is eaten in several countries as a standard part of their cuisine), I haven't eaten at a fast food restaurant in almost 5 years. Why? I live in a city with dozens of authentic, ethnic restaurants, including Vietnamese, German, Irish, Italian, Thai, Ethiopian, Asian Indian, Pakistani, and many more. We also have several large global food stores, with foods from all around the world. With all these inspiring, interesting choices from around the world, I ready accept my Indian friend's policy:

I have an Indian friend (from southern India) who has lived in this country for 13 years. The *ONLY** American restaurant she has ever eaten in, in the 13 years she has lived in the country is St. Louis Bread Company (a coffee / food shop known as "Panera Bread" in other parts of the US.). Why does she eat only Indian food? If you have ever eaten authentic, homemade Indian food, you will know why. After two bites of American food, the poor woman's taste buds probably went into a coma!

For the uninitiated:
Smoked and Salted Horsemeat on bread
- Michael