
Monday, July 2, 2012

Put on your shades! It's BRIGHT out here!

Welcome, Anderson Cooper!

That Closet is getting increasingly bare as more people step out, realizing that this is their planet as much as it belongs to anybody else.

When it comes time to do so, every individual is going to do their dying themselves, so, indeed, they should also be doing the living for themselves, too

At any time an individual believes that he or she deserves their freedom and comfort than any other individual who has done no harm to others, it is at that point that they should lose that right.

- Michael

Where's My Purse?


"The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said 33 children under the age of 13 died in the United States in 2011 after being left in hot cars."

Can you believe that a local TV station was interviewing a 'parenting expert' regarding this subject. The 'expert' recommended that a mother put her purse in the back seat of the car with the baby, and that a father put his house keys in the back seat so they won't forget the baby in the car.


Whatever happened to "The fact that you have a helpless human life that you are caring for. What else does a person with a child really need?"

Sorry if you don't like that, but a child should **always** foremost in your mind. What the person in charge of this small life wants to do or find important comes secondary to being at least aware of the child's existence.

If you treat your kids as though they are part of your routine instead of as living beings who depend on you, then I can see you forgetting them. So I would suggest anyone who does this type of thing to reevaluate the way they view their children and life itself.

This quote comes to mind: "Procreating isn't for everybody!"

Humans might be the first living being to dumb themselves down to the point of driving themselves into extinction. 95% of all other species that have ever lived on this Earth are extinct. Silly is the person that tries to fool themselves into thinking that humans are exempt to this rule. According to George Carlin, humans are nothing but a mere temporary parasite on the face of this huge rock that is traveling - honestly - at 67,000 miles an hour through space!

I think ole George made a good point. Actually, he made SEVERAL good points!

- Michael