
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Just a few things you will never hear me say....

1) "That's over the top!"

'The Top' is a limit that belongs **solely** to the speaker, and is only set in their mind. They have created a small, sheltered environment for themselves, which they then try to use as a tool in a power struggle to control anyone they can.
A word to the wise: A person who uses those tools on  me will not be happy with the results.

2) "That's creepy...."
(See #1....replace 'The top' with 'That's creepy')

3) "Well, to be honest...."

This phrase is horrible to say in a job interview, and it is BAD to say anywhere else.  If it is said in a job interview, it gives the impression to the interviewer that you are dishonest.  If I hear, "'To be honest', I immediately think "OK, so lying to me is a normal course of conversation for you otherwise?"

4) "I won't play if the lottery is $10 million or less."

Mark made me buy ONE lottery ticket so I could no longer say that I have never bought a lottery ticket.  I am not a gambler by habit nor by nature.  However, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  If $10 million dollars is pocket change you, please make the check payable to "Mr. Michael J. Keller" !

5) "I will pass on desert...."

Uh - NO!  Just...No!  :)

I couldn't pass on this one.  The Weather Channel's home page had photos of  "Creepy Abandoned Churches"

This is the original link.  If The Weather Channel changes the link / takes it down, Google "abandoned church Gary Indiana:

I loved one particular link under this image:
"Abandoned? Yes. Creepy? No."

My reply was:

"Hear! Hear! I'm glad somebody finally spoke up and told the truth!

I DO wish that the people that use the word "creepy" would file it with other homemade weapons that they manufactured - or that those that they borrowed from other individuals because they were too damned lazy to think for themselves, thereby deriving as much attention as possible yet still doing the least amount of work.

Right along with "Creepy", a few other phrases that I can think of that can join their 'creepy' is "over the top", "too much", "T-M-I"', etc

Due to this being a public form, good decorum prevents me from saying where I think they should file those terms.

The people that use those terms are the same individuals who tying to kill several birds with one stone:

1) They love the comfort of the self-limiting prison that they build in their own mind

2) Any liberated minds that might still be unfortunate enough to be in their vicinity make their tight, dark mind rot that much more uncomfortable, so they try to recruit others to join them in their cell.
(Translated: Misery loves company.)

I, for one, have never and will never find myself contained in the prisons that they build for themselves. In fact, I don't plan even the most brief visit those that dwell there, either.

Thank you for giving me good fodder for my daily blog. :)    "

- Michael

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