
Saturday, December 11, 2010

News headline of the day, "TSA Defends Screening of Indian Ambassador"

Two quotes from this article:
1) "The TSA, however, said that after looking into what took place, it found that no policies were violated."
2) "Passengers may request that a pat-down be conducted in private," Kimball said.

Here is the story, in it's entirety:

There are so many things about those  2 statements, alone, that offend me in so many ways tha Ione blog will never be enough for me fully express my point, however, that won't stop me from trying.

Let me state the obligatory comment that I am fully aware that the TSA was established to protect the United States from attacks from unsavory characters.  **THAT** was the original intent.  Now, TSA people, this is where it was predicted that you would fall flat on your faces, and once again, you haven't let us down.  I know it has been a long, long time since any of this has been exercised in this country, and the "Dumbing Down of America" is occurring at a faster rate than ever before, but common sense must also be used in these proceedings.

The woman in question is an ambassador (have we forgotten the meaning of that word?) and a  sari-wearing Hindu woman from a non-threatening country.  A simple pass through a common metal detector would have been ample, you simpletons.

No policies were violated?  According to WHO - you?  And - who the hell are YOU? 

Let's review one of my favorite Mark Twain quotes:

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." - Innocents Abroad (Mark Twain!)

That being said, we have to please understand that the entire world does not now, nor has it ever revolved around the United states of America. Now now - not ever.  There are other people in this world who, thankfully, do not have the same morals, standards or beliefs as the American society.

It is never "OK" or permissible for anyone to stick their hands up an Indian woman's sari, or "pat" them down.

My #2 quote was ""Passengers may request that a pat-down be conducted in private," Kimball said.

Did ya not see what I wrote in the sentence above the one I just wrote?  In public or private, bodily invasions are not OK for many societies - especially women who are trying to be an ambassador, you fricken idiots!

Going forward, please understand that all other societies in this world do not base their belief system on the closed minds of the American public.  I know it has been dumped far behind, but common sense must be exercised, and respect to ALL humans must be extended, even if they are outside the prison you built for your belief system.

- Michael

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