
Saturday, January 15, 2011

One of my favorite adventures: CITY MUSEUM, St. Louis.

"City Museum" is more or less a tongue-in-cheek name for this attraction.  It is not really a museum at all, except for the fact that the entire idea behind this surreal world is to use recycled bits and pieces from the city to create an artistic, fun and wild place to explore.  The only truly part of this building that is a museum is one room on the top floor that is an architectural museum.

Bob Cassilly, the creator or City Museum (and Cementland), has been on TV several times, because his own home is on the top floor of this building, and was featured on "What's With That Extreme Home?" on HGTV.

Some videos of City Museum:

Pics on Flickr:

Here is one of many videos available of City Museum on YouTube:
(or click on any videos that pop up in the right hand column for another view!):


The City Museum's home page (Click on "Attractions" in the left hand column) to get detailed descriptions of all areas of this attraction:


Some photos of City Museum, in my own FB albums:


Here is some pictures from my sister, Jennifer's FB albums (with several pics of my niece and nephews!)!/album.php?aid=163644&id=740234957


And here are some photos from the TOP of the building, which opened to visitors just a couple years ago.  The general shots were taken from the ferris wheel that is on top of the building!!/album.php?aid=163613&id=740234957


THE "MONSTROCITY" - the 6 story Human Habitrail outside the museum.
This is a good general video of the Monstrocity. I love to climb through all of it, but Mark is afraid of heights!


This attraction is in the same building - on the second floor.  It is an additional $5 or $6 a person, but it is well worth the extra $$.  This particular area can take 45 minutes to an hour, if you do it right.  This is another video from KETC-Channel 9, about the "World Aquarium" at The City Museumn. There are real sharks, etc, in this part of the building:

Believe it or not (and you know I couldn't leave this out!)....There is a large pipe organ in the 'Catacombs' area of the City Museum.  Three years ago, Mark and I were climbing through this area, and I looked up and told him, "Wow!  This would be a wonderful spot for a theatre organ!" In typical fashion, he just rolled his eyes at me, and kept walking. The next year, we went back to the spot.. Lo and behold - there was a 24 rank 1924 Wurlitzer Pipe Organ with a two ton console (keyboard) that was installed in this space.  It can be played by the St. Louis branch of the American Guild of Organists, and it is been attached to a computer so it can play itself! There is nothing like walking though this very surreal space with a booming pipe organ playing all around me!

Even though I have no loss for words, as you well know, a picture, or in this case, a video, is worth 1,000 words. The following clip is of the Wurlitzer Theatre organ - just a bit smaller than the one in the Fox - that is located in the City Museum.  This video also gives an excellent view of the Catacombs area.


Even though Spring / Summer / Fall are better times to go to the City Museum, any time you want to go, and you want an enthusiastic guide, let me know - I'm ready to go!

You don't live long, so live fun!
- Michael

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