
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Rogue Reverse Vandal Vegetation Vigilante

There has to be a support group for people like me!
Mark has known this for quite some time, but I think I finally reached the point that I have to admit that I have turned into a complete Rogue Reverse Vandal Vegetation Vigilante! 

I firmly believe that no matter where you live, you should take pride in your environment.  We live in Ladue, MO, which is known for lots of nice houses, lots of money and lots of snot.  Disclaimer:  We have a Ladue address, we do *not* have a Ladue house.  There is quite a difference between the 2.

Anywho, our neighbor is renting the house on the lot immediately adjacent to our house.  This fella is a true renter in the fact that he really doesn't care about the outward appearance of his home.  He piles trash from his Jeep in the yard beside the driveway.  During storms, some of this crap will blow all over the neighborhood.  This man also lets this irritating, invasive bush (Trees!) honey suckle grow up over the windows in a haphazard way in front of his house.  

(I will have to play Devil's advocate, and defend him in saying that the neighbor on the OTHER side of our property isn't much better.  This other neighbor doesn't keep invasive bushes trimmed from the front of his house, but he does usually keep his lawn cut.)

To make a long story just a bit longer and more painful.....

This morning, I took the trash to the curb, and I glanced over at the Hoosier neighbor's house.  A second later, I heard his Jeep start up.  I know that this young man doesn't cook at home, and eats all of his meals at restaurants, take-out, fast food, etc.  That is where most of the trash that he piles up in the front lawn comes from.  
I heard the Jeep start up, and I know the proverbial little light flickered on in my head.

The very second that he backed out of his driveway, and I saw his Jeep disappear down the lane, I ran into my garage and got my biggest pair of pruning shears.  I had to work fast because I didn't know if he was going to work, or if he was making a quick trip to a nearby Starbuck's or St. Louis Bread Company for breakfast. 

Like a good reverse vandal, I know that I shouldn't cut back ALL the bad vegetation.  That would be too obvious.   But then again, I am inclined to think that a person that will allow trash to pile up in his front yard isn't too concerned about overgrown vegetation disappearing at a fast rate!

I did wack back some huge chunks, but I reluctantly left a few decoys.  In a couple days, I will creep back over there when he leaves the house again, and I will remove more.  Like the Grinch That Stole the Bad Vegetation, I toted that crap as fast as I could to the huge pile that I started years ago in the far back corner of our yard.

I wonder if he will know the difference when he gets back home?  I wonder if he will even care?  I doubt it, but I DO know that I couldn't take it any more, and it had to go!


- Michael

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