
Thursday, October 25, 2012

15 yrs. of St. Louis' City Museum

15 years ago, The City Museum (St. Louis) opened it's doors to the public.

Every time I go to The City Museum, I cry.  

From The Enchanted Caves, City Museum St. Louis, MO
Before the death of Bob Cassilly, my tears were from the sheer joy, relief, and the sensory stimulation that I crave. Now, just a little over a year after this tragic loss, my tears are from both: mourning a hurricane-force wind the blew beneath my sparrow's wings, and from enjoying the magnificent space he created before we reluctantly relinquished him to the ages.

If you have ever stood on the side of a major highway, and had a semi truck pass you, you will have experienced the same gust of wind that I felt the day Bob Cassilly flew past me when his soul escaped the bonds of this Earth.  I can still feel that wind as it blasts out of this realm and into the next.

I get "my fix" in abundance when I walk through the front doors and let my mind and body wander and expand, and for the few hours that I am there, I can momentarily fulfill the bottomless, ravenous hunger that I contain that gnaws at my heart, mind, body and soul for creativity, ingeniousness and diversity.

When I walk - and climb! - through this imaginative space, all my circuits start cookin', and my emotions are nothing more than a mere outward physical, instinctual manifestation of the activity created by fine-tuned neurons in my brain that are produced and maintained from major daily mental exercise, and my gratitude for the precious gift that I received:

My gift is not the musical instruments that I play daily, nor the things that I create both with natural fibers and in the digital realm.  My gift is much more simple in nature.  It is the ability to "know the difference", and to be acutely aware of the insidious hazards of ignoring that difference.  Another brightly wrapped package that I received at birth is "Curiosity".  A gift card for "Creativity" was attached to the top of my parcel.

After all is said and done, the creative and curious adult is the child that survived.

For more information:

- Michael

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