
Monday, January 21, 2013

Stolen Glory isn't Glory at all

File:Lance Armstrong (Tour de France 2009 - Stage 17).jpg

Relating to Lance Armstrong's self-imposed predicament, the "Leave the guy" alone thing that many people are saying about his guilt for doping during all 7 Tour de France wins is related to those who like to say, "What you don't know can't hurt you" or "Don't hate the player, hate the game."

*ALL* of those phrases were created and are still used by people who 'want to take your stuff while your attention is diverted, and you are looking the other direction.'

They simply don't want you to see it coming when they broad-side you with a big red truck.

Uh, I'll have to say, "No, thanks!  I'll pass!", and then I never fail to correct those people by saying:

1) Yes, indeed, what you don't know can, in fact,  hurt or kill you.  Just ask ovarian cancer patients.

2) Thank you, but 'No, thank you!" for the suggestion to 'not hate the player, hate the game."  I am wise to that diversion tactic, too.  
For the record, I'll be hating both, the player AND the games they play.

Now, to answer the question at hand:

If they haven't done so, already, they should go back to every year that Lance won the Tour de France and automatically and immediately give the 2nd place guy the Yellow Jersey.  He, in fact, was the real winner of those races.

I have noted that Wikipedia's entry for Tour De France already has Lance removed from the winning position, and in fact, his name isn't in the listing of place winners at all.  

I have a $6,000 completely-outfitted 2007 REI Randonee Touring bicycle.  I am a huge fan and and an active participant in the sport of bicycling.  I am not a huge fan of people who have to steal the glory by cheating.  

Erb's Palsy:

Clubbed foot:
(Exception to this rule:  My right foot clubbed straight UP in the front, rather than the more common internally or externally rotated clubbing.)

I was born with Erb's Palsy in my right arm (4" shorter than the left, and severely limited range of motion), I am blind in my left eye, and I nearly had my right foot amputated when I was a child from a maggot infestation (severely clubbed foot and the original surgery FAILED).  I didn't mention severe psoriasis and the accompanying psoriatic arthritis, Habba Syndrome, and I had full fricken dentures before I was 30.    I know I've left a few out of that listing, but I think you get the gist.   (My gene pool was a cesspool.)

(This isn't my rig, but I have the exact same REI Randonee bicycle, all the same gear, including all the Ortlieb bags, the one-wheeled B.O.B touring trailer, complete with the same Yak Sak, etc)
I have bicycled across the state of Missouri and BACK three times (511 mile trip x 3), alone and with 70 lbs. of luggage.  

If an official Gimp can do it fair and square, so can Lance.

If you can't get glory, fame and recognition by doing hard work like the rest of us, you don't deserve it at all.

- Michael

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