
Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Abundance of Idiots

When I was younger, I didn't notice the over abundance of idiots in society that we see today, and there are a couple reasons why I missed them:

1) There really are more idiots due to the self-dumbbing-down of Americans, and the fact that those that have very outwardly and proudly assumed dumbing-down as their new hobby. (It's a much more lazy way to get through life gaining the most attention while expending the least amount of energy - in true lazy fashion.)

2) In the not-so-distant past, there were limited means that idiots could use to inflitrate our homes and our lives, in general.  Considering the inexpensive, ease-of-access to the entire world that the internet brings today, the idiots that once could only appear on TV, on the radio and in newspapers are now glaringly in plain view. The idiots that once stayed hidden from our view for the lack of a means to ooze themselves all over us are now blatantly in our face.

Am I angry that the idiots are now more than ever more visible than they were in the past?  Not at all.  An idiot in plain view is less dangerous than a hidden, less obvious idiot.

(Please note that most of the blatant idiots that splatter the internet with their uneducated crap usually don't use their real names or photos.  They might be dumber than owl shit - but they're not THAT dumb!  For the record, this is my real name - and the look that you will recognize each and every time I leave my home.)

- Michael

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