
Friday, March 30, 2012


I'm so glad that somebody has my back!

This has the standard answer that I have always given to people when they ask that dumb question re: my tattoos and piercings.

It's either that response, or I say, "Baby, it's only skin, and even YOU aren't going to take it with you when you go. When compared to the history of this Earth, your life is only a microscopic SPECK on that timeline, so in other words, your time here on Earth is VERY SHORT. Don't you think you should live, rather than exist, while you're here?"

There is no way I can possibly relate to you the looks on people's faces when I rip that one off. I can see a **tiny** light flicker on in their eyes (sometimes!), but I know it is usually extinguished the moment they walk away. Sometimes. OCCASIONALLY, somebody says, "You know.... I never thought of it that way!" I hope that particular individual goes forth, and lives purposefully, rather than existing.

I'm sure you have heard the story of the little boy standing on the beach, among thousands of starfish that have washed ashore. He is picking up the starfish, one by one, and throwing them back into the water. Some calloused person who has MADE themselves old walks by and asks him, "Son, what are you doing? You can't possibly save ALL the starfish!" He answers, "No, I can't. But I can save THAT one... (throws another one into the water).... and THAT one... (throws another one into the water).... and THAT one... (throws another one into the water)....

The only problem is that you can easily throw a wayward starfish back into the water. They can't fight back. Humans, however, get a little pissed and a little resistant when I tell them that they need to venture back into the water!

- Michael

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