
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thanks to this cold that some generous person (!!) gave me, I have been a bit out of sorts - worse than usual - the past couple days.

Yesterday, I did the body piercing version of 'your dress being tucked up in your panty hose!"

When I take my daily shower, I take the 3/4" plugs out of my ears, and my 00 gauge septum plug, and I I wash my holes.  My other major piercing, which shan't be mentioned, can fend for itself.  

Anywho, I took the 3/4" plugs out of my ears, soaped and rinsed the holes, and instead of putting BOTH plugs back in, I forgot, and I only put the right plug back in my ear.  So.... I go go the Missouri Botanical Gardens, and I go shopping at 5 different stores.  NOT ONE PERSON mentioned to me that I had only one plug in my ears, and I had a huge, gaping, floppy hole in the other ear!

I guess this is proof that I don't spend as much time in a mirror as I am often accused of doing.  After my shower, I blow dryed, moussed and hair srayed my bear and 'stache into it's normal place, and I **STILL** didn't notice that I was missing a plug.  When Mark pulled up in the driveway after he got off work (About 5:30 PM), he yelled out his car window as he was driving up, "Hey, MOO, why do you only have one plug in?"  A flash of terror shot through me as I felt my left year.   Yep.  It was gone.  I went into the bathroom, and looked in the window sill above the bathtub.  There sat the missing plug.  I had gone without it all day!

Still, I feel like the lady that leaves a public restroom with the back of her dress tucked up in her panty hose - and she's not wearing underwear!

- Michael

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