
Friday, February 15, 2013

The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling! (The Russian Meteor)

Before this meteor-thing picks up more speed than it already has:
KHQA TV Channel 7 (Hannibal, MO / Quincy, IL) asked the following question of it's FB followers:

"A statement released by known Russian extremist Vladimir Zhirinovsky, calls the situation "the test of a new weapon by the Americans." Hmmm ... Do you have a different conspiracy theory?"

My response:

"Known Russian extremist" being the operative phrase.

Bored extremists, conspiracy theorists *and* alarmists could use their obvious over abundance of energy to do something....anything, really! - to make this world a better place, instead of instilling fear and hate into the hearts and minds of the gullible, the easily impressionable, or the lazy (or any and all combinations of all of the above).

Note: "the lazy" = those too damned lazy to do their own homework, and thusly, they are willing to gleam the smallest tidbit of information that requires the least amount of energy required to fast-forward this information, and in doing so, allows them to reap large amounts of the attention that they crave.

Imagine, if you will, the endless possibilities in which this misappropriated energy could be diverted:

Music, art in any form, volunteering in a shelter for the homeless, teaching a willing student, being a good role model and a mentor for a needy, less fortunate young mind, just to list only a few of the many available examples.

This act of nature - a large meteor of this size and magnitude happens about 5 times a year. This time, it broke a million square feet of glass, causing 1,000 injuries, mostly from flying glass shards.

That natural event caused some cuts and bruises. Send this comment to those attention-depraved, conspiracy theorists, lazy alarmists and extremists , and stand back and watch a few faces melt off.

- Michael

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