
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Keeping in contact.......

I've worn contacts for 28 years.

Actually, I'm blind in my (left eye in my pictures), and I only wear one contact. No eye surgeon in STL will do surgery on me based on ethics. They all tell me that if something goes wrong with the surgery in the only eye that that has vision, my vision could be screwed up forever - so they won't do it.

(Likewise, they also say that they shouldn't prescribe me a contact, and that I should wear glasses to protect my eye from damage that could leave me blind. Have any of you EVER seen me in glasses - even though I own a pair of $$ Fysh glasses? Nope. And you never will.

Fysh Frames:

Anywho - I can wear a contact wrong-side-out for an hour before I realize that 'it just isn't riding right', and I take it out and fix the problem.

(But then again, I have also had a piece of potato chip fly up and stick in my eye for an hour before I looked in a mirror, and saw it wedged in he corner of my eye!....

...and there's the story of the day that I thought I lost a contact while I was putting it in.... I have NEVER lost a contact in 28 years. I looked all over my bathroom for that damned thing before I got a new contact and put it in. FOUR days later, I was walking across a parking lot, and I thought I had a bad stroke. I suddenly saw eight of everything. I managed to find the door to my apt, and when I took my contact out of my eye, I had TWO in my eye, one on top of the other. Apparently, I never lost the first contact 4 days earlier. It slipped behind my eye, and decided to make a surprise appearance as I was walking across a parking lot. (I'm glad that it didn't make that appearance when I was driving down the interstate just minutes earlier!)

My prescription is a +5.5, so you know that these things aren't thin and easy to hide! he he

- Michael

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