
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Con Ti Partiro

JUST when my number of FB friends start to rise, I realize that it's time for me to do some FB House Keeping.

(Can't ya'all hear the thunder and see the lightning bolts crack as my little fat fingers are pecking away at these keys?)

Yesterday, I kicked a bigotted relative off my list, and today, another bigotted ass followed suit, even while the screen door was still swingin' !

I know..... I know....  I was the one that opened the door to them in the first place, no?  The explanation is simple:  I am the Eternal Girl Scout!

I want to say, "Contrary to popular belief, I really do want to give people the benefit-of-the-doubt, and I want to believe that people are more good than bad."  In reality, I am not nearly that benevolent.  I give people enough rope to hang themselves. Unfortunately, most of those people that I have given "free rope" have taken me up on the deal.  

My interest in anything I have ever acquired in my entire life has been "quality" over "quantity".  Since I DO have a choice and a say-so in the matter, I would rather have very few QUALITY friends than an abundance of people of lesser character on my list - and in my life, in general.

Translated:  Numbers don't mean anything to me.  A lot of people on FB will deal with crap - BAD crap - from people, just to keep those indiviuals on their friend's list, so they can have higher numbers. High numbers of fake friends holds no charm for me.  A low number of good people in my life is much more important in my belief system.

These people are not welcome on my FB Friend's list, or in my life, in general:
* hate or bigotry in any manner
* people who need a "token fag" on their list.
* people who think they are "doing me a favor" by keeping me on their list.
* people who "tolerate" me. (God, do I hate that word and it's association!)

To "be tolerant" means, "I don't like you or what you're doing, but to 'keep the peace', I will put up with you."  No, baby.  Not this one.  In no way do I want to be attached to anyone who thinks they have to 'just put up with me."

Contrary to what many people believe, our lives are getting shorter - not longer.  Every day you live is one less day you will spend on the face of this Earth.  Since my BIRTH, time has been the most valuable currency in my world.  With each day that I live, I have less time left.  With that consideration, time becomes even more valuable.  I am already angry enough with myself for wasting that precioius gift - time - on such individuals.  Minimally, I will consider it a "lesson learned", and I will know well enough not to repeat it. 

Just a little "Head's Up":

Not long ago, in one fell swoop, I dumped 35 FB friends. (Mind you, my total number of FB friends has never been over 140, so 35 is a fairly large percentage!)

I don't care who the Hell you are, if I catch even the slightest whiff of Hate or Bigotry from anyone, my trigger finger will click "Unfriend" and "Block" faster than CBS dumped "Jimmy The Greek!"

- Michael

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