
Monday, July 30, 2012

St. Louis World Naked Bike Ride 2013

Info gleamed from FaceBook
re:  The World Naked Bike Ride St. Louis 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

6:00pm until 10:00pm

South Grand Parking Lot, Grand and Hartford

Come bare as you dare to protest oil dependency, raise awareness of cyclist rights and vulnerability on the road, and promote positive body image for the 6th annual World Naked Bike Ride in St. Louis!

WNBR Festival & Rally, 6 p.m.
Live music, live art, expo of bike shops, bicycle, environmental, and body positive organizations in the St. Louis region. Contest for best creative covering, slogan, body-paint, costume, and best-dressed bicycle. Rally at 7:45 p.m.

Ride, 8 p.m.
Join us for a 10 mile bike ride throughout the city. Route will be available in June.

WNBR post-ride Celebration, 9:30 p.m.
As usual, our partners HandleBar and Atomic Cowboy will be hosting an after-ride celebration in the Grove. More details to come.

We will also be hosting a WNBR teach-in for folks interested in starting a WNBR in their own city. Details TBD.

Questions? Want to be involved? Contact


In this pic, I dunno if I was looking for the Mother Ship to return, or what I was eyeballing, but I do know:

1) I am thankful for Psoriasis!  The tanning bed that I use to keep the lesions at bay makes me several shades darker than those pasty-white people behind me!  :)
(There ain't much that looks better than a snow-white jock against a tan bod!)

2) You can't see it in this pic, but I have on hot pink raspberry glittery men's All-Star Converse tennis shoes that I bought from the Journey mall shoe stores to match my wonderful hand-made bow-tie!  

3) The Erb's Palsy in my right arm makes that arm a full 4" shorter than my left arm, and it also makes for some interesting positions when holding onto and trying to balance and keep bicycle handlebars pointing straight ahead. (And my left leg, from the knee down, is twice the size of my right leg.  That makes pedaling in circles EASY, but pedaling a straight line is somewhat challenging!  he he

My nephew and myself are at the 13:00 point in this video:

But of course!  I participated in 4 out of the 5 St. Louis World Naked Bike Rides that we have had in St. Louis since 2008, and I will definitely ride next year.

The World Naked Bike Ride is an annual event in 20 countries, and in 70 cities world wide.  For more information on this event, in general, click:

Required reading:
Famous world traveler Rick Steve's article, entitled:

"European Nudes and American Prudes":
- Michael

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