
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

On the internet, believe none of which you see - and only half of what you hear!

A quick test:

Question #1)

You are viewing popular over-posted (FaceBook, etc) photographs of 2012's monster storm, Hurricane Sandy, with The Statue of Liberty in the forefront?

A) True
B) False

Since I am blind in my left eye (and viewing Magic Eye Puzzles requires binocular instead of monocular vision), I have to use my mind's little eye(s) to views such photographs in the same manner as a person with normal vision would see these puzzles.

I center and relax myself, and I let my mind look at the picture as a whole, instead of it's parts. Then.... the image becomes amazingly clear!

This is the view from my perspective:

1) Good photo altering software is cheap these days. (Blender and GIMP are both powerful and free downloads.)

2) There are still a FEW talented folk out there.

3) HOWEVER..... In the past few decades, the scale has tipped, and we now have far more lazy, attention-seeking people than talented, harworking people.

4) I am very familiar with computer generated graphics software (Photoshop, the free GIMP, free Blender, etc) and I can use them with a certain degree of success.

It can take hours, days or weeks to achieve a successfully rendered, believable image, - depending on the degree of difficulty and the amount of work to be done.

(Remember the 'Laziness' and attention-seeking "FB like-whore" factors.....)

In the end, the clear image that my mind's eye sees is the fact that these images are movie stills. 'Instant Gratification', attention-seeking people are just too damned lazy to put forth the hours of work required to hand-render such images.

When considering the internet:

"Without first consulting several independent sources, believe none of which you see and only half of which you hear."


For those who would like to expend their energy doing something THEMSELVES that is creative and worth-while:

Please visit my blog entry, detailing GIMP, Blender, Sketch-up, and a few more free, downloadable 2D and 3D computer graphics programs.

**ALL** of these programs have their own learning curves.  Think of it this way:  It is was 'that easy', EVERYBODY WOULD BE DOING IT.  Learning these programs is worth the work involved.  Trust me when I tell you that your brain will thank you for putting forth the effort.

For details about GIMP, Blender, Sketch-up, etc, please visit:

- Michael

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