
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hey! That Hat Looks Good on you!

Yesterday morning, we went shopping at St. Louis' Johnnie Brock's Halloween and Party Superstore (I-44 & Jefferson Ave.).

This store is huge, and they expanded it to twice the size that it was last year. The store management brings in an outside security company to staff this VERY busy store during this season.

I do believe that in order to pull off an authentic, believable look, you should use several sources and items ranging from store bought to custom made. HOWEVER.... if you can't find most of the items you need for a specific costume or look in this store, you probably don't need it! :)

Johnnie Brock's has separate, large departments for make-up, whoochies, make-up, wigs, shoes, rentals, and individual departments for each type of accessory. They even have a SteamPunk department.

Mark and I was standing in the hat department while he was choosing (the hat in our pictures).

While trying on hats, a security guard walked by me and said:

"Hey! That hat looks good on you!" I had to laugh at his comment.

He thought the hat on my head came from the store's selection of costume hats!

I laughed and told him, "No.... This hat and the rest of my look is a very real, everyday look for me!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the other people within earshot of our conversation slowly turn and look. he he he

For more info, please visit:

- Michael

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