
Friday, November 30, 2012

Of ethnocentricity and self-imposed sensory imprisonment.....

....while we are on the subject off ethnocentricity and self-imposed sensory imprisonment:

I was having a conversation with a couple at The Missouri Botanical Gardens this past Wednesday.  A woman walked past us, and she was having a conversation with her male companion.  This couple was speaking ""The Queen's English" (British).

The woman that I was talking to threw her hands up, and looked at her husband and said, "I just hate it when 'they' talk like that!"

I winked at her and said, "Of course, you realize that 'they' invented that language (English) - you just bastardized the Hell out of it.  Although I might LOOK like him, I am NOT the 'Amazing Kreskin'.  Lemme see.....(acting like I was looking into a crystal ball)  "You most likely hold expectations that the earth is pivoting around the point at which we are now standing."

I do wish these people would put those agape mouths to good work and catch a few flies!  :) 

One of my favorite moments in life are when somebody says, "You know, I never thought of it that way!"  

This woman looked at her husband and said, "You know....he does make a valid point!"

When I looked into their eyes, I could see the proverbial 'bright light' flicker on! Right in the middle of the Holiday Train and botanical Show at the Gardens, I gave them a huge hug, and we continued on our merry ways. 

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