
Friday, December 14, 2012

Of Cowards, guns and pitbulls.....

To the Coward in Connecticut:

I know your favorite target(s) are children, malls and theatres, where you KNOW people are unarmed. 

To disprove your cowardice, and to back up your bravery,  go ahead on and fire at a fully armed Army platoon, or an armed Marine regiment.

Many folk think that I am just a hot-headed loud mouth.

If that is the label that you need to apply to me, then go ahead and stick it to me.  I might as well live up to my expectations by saying:

This shooter is MORE proof that "The Dumbing Down of Americans is happening at an alarming rate.  

Dear readers, you really don't need an more proof than that to believe that my statement is true, but should you NEED more examples, I am prepared to help you with those, as well.

I have been in a management position several times in my employment history.  I was told by my superiors:  "If you have to give somebody a disciplinary write-up, don't get them for just one small issue.  Write them up for everything you can, all at the same time."

With that consideration in mind, and while I am playing "Wack-a-Mole" with the hot seat button, let me continue by saying that I am 100% behind the ban of assault rifles.

To paraphrase Dixie Cater's character (Julia Sugerbaker) from Designing Women:

"Those guns were not designed to hunt your supper.  They were designed to hunt MEN."  

'Nuff said. If you need a further explanation, as I stated before, I am more than prepared to help you with that.

(If these cowards are every caught alive, and if you people are can't 'push the button' because you are morally or ethically against the death penalty, and thus, you can't 'push the button', feel free to call me!  I'll do it for you!)

Photo: Click " Share " please !!!

The 3rd issue is the American Pit Bull Terrier:

(With a 100% certainty, I can tell you that you will never, ever see an English Bulldog or Pug's face on that picture......)

Did you know:
In the 1850's - before bull bating was banned in England, the English Bulldog had a WORSE  but accurate public image than the Pit Bull does in today's society?

The facts:

After bull bating was banned, the English Bulldog had no job to do.  This breed would have definitely gone extinct had the breeders decided to turn them into pets instead of raging animals.   English Bulldogs were once locked up in rooms as small as a closet, or in  outdoor cages.  They were considered very dangerous dogs.  After the English Bulldog 'lost his job', the breeders had to quickly and purposefully breed the BAD temperament out of these dogs if their lineage was to survive.  The results:  SUCCESS!

When you find statistics on English Bulldogs EQUAL to these, I will call a truce:

I got this bit of info directly from Wikipedia:

"After further inspection, most deadly incidents involving Pit Bulls occur because of the manner in which the canine in question had been raised. Almost all of the fatal incidents involve Pitt Bulls that had been trained for dog fighting."

Go ahead. Do the homework for yourself. Look up "English Bulldogs" on Wikipedia, and see if you can find info that even vaguely resembles the sample paragraph above.

Paraphrasing the message in the above picture in the form of a question:

"When will I stop being judged by the content of my character, rather than my appearance?"

Answer: "When we stop seeing "Fatal pitbull attacks" statistics, that's when!"

With all my heart, I do believe that that day MIGHT eventually arrive when the Pit Bull's reputation matches the English Bulldog's reputation.  HOWEVER, the trailer park trash that owns many of these dogs, and uses them as a weapon instead as a pet and a companion are not helping your cause, or the breed's cause and it's image.

'Back in the day', the English Bulldog's genetic pool was contained in a much smaller space in the world, before the dog's became popular in other parts of the planet.  Such containment made it easier than it would be today to confine and improve the genetic pool before it was released world-wide.

Since the world is now a much bigger place, and relatively cheap travel is relatively accessible, the job of refining the Pit Bull's reputation is going to be much more difficult than it would have been back in the 1850's.

AS A WHOLE, these dogs need to be bred for good temperament, exactly as the English bulldog was bred.  Having an 'attack temperament' 
 in any breeding stock will foil your attempts at improving this dog's image, and disproving a bad reputation.

At this precise time and date in history, I know on a personal level several Pitbulls that are being raised in kept in widely varied environments.  In the GOOD environments, those specific pitbulls can be 95% trustworthy.  The pitbulls that I know that live in unsteady or bad environments: I personally wouldn't trust them enough to be left along with them!

This breed needs more time before 'judging it by it's character' is a thing of the past - and for very valid reasons.

I think that is enough 'write-ups' for one day, but the day is still young.

- Michael

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