
Monday, December 10, 2012

Things Hidden inside a Salvation Army Bellringer's Bucket

A comment posted on FaceBook regarding the bigotry oozing from The Salvation Army against gays / lesbians:
"Students at UC Berkeley have passed a bill opposing Salvation Army donation boxes on campus because of the organization's homophobic practices, including discrimination against gay families and couples. Earlier this year, a senior Salvation Army official said gays should be put to death."

A response:

Dean Babcock:

You people are pathetic, You boycott businesses cause they don't cater to you. So you discriminate against them. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black. Oh right it is ok for gays to discriminate against others, got it, how stupid of me.

MY response to Dean Babcock:

Not pathetic, Dean.  Uh, no.  I boycott businesses because hate and prejudice are just that - hate and prejudice - no matter what filters (rationale) you put over your eyes that allow you to see the situation in a light that makes you feel most comfortable with your own bigotry. 

Just as a minor segway, you do realize, of course, that it is inherent in humans (and any other animal, as far as that goes), to shy away from: bad, danger, hate, dislike, etc.

As a GREAT example, Dr. William Petit Jr and his murdered family (Google it - they're from Connecticut).  This man's family was murdered, and he was left for dead during a hideous robbery.  When Oprah asked him if he was willing to forgive the men that did this crime to his family, Dr. Petit answered her:

"Since it is inherent in the human constitution to hate evil, any forgiveness for these people is "inappropriate."  Oprah said one thing in response to this answer to her question, "That is a very good answer!"

My response to you, Mr Dean:
"No, we will not sit idly by and be bashed about.  And it it perfectly OK for us to NOT sit idly by - and be bashed.  That would be 'inappropriate'.  How foolish of you to think otherwise."

I LOVED finding deals at Salvation Army....until I learned of their prehistoric sentiments against at least 10% of the population.

Now, I can't force myself to step foot in a Salvation Army.  
Goodwill doesn't discriminate, and in St. Louis, their flagship St. Louis store is directly across the street from the Salvation Army store.  Goodwill gets my $$, not hate, bigotry and prejudice.  

But, Mr. Dean:  BEFORE your comment, I am willing to place a wager saying that most of your inner circle didn't know you are a bigot.  AFTER your comment:  THEY NOW KNOW!

Ya gotta love this 'internet thing'.  Like a powerful hurricane hitting land, it churns up and magnifies idiots, goonies, prejudice, and a host of other maggots.  Even though I have to wade through the crap, I am thankful that the internet has busted out a lot of hate that would have otherwise remained hidden and smoldering.  For that, I will say, "Thank you."

- Michael

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